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Adding a SQL Server source environment

This topic describes how to add a SQL Server source environment.



  1. Login to the Delphix Management application.

  2. Click Manage.

  3. Select Environments.

  4. Next to Environments, click the Actions menu and select Add Environment.

  5. In the Add Environment wizard, Host and Server tab select:

    1. Host OS: Windows

    2. Host Type: Source

    3. Server Type:

      • If you are adding a Windows Server Failover Cluster (WSFC), add the environment based on which WSFC feature the source databases use:

        • Failover Cluster Instances Add the environment as a standalone source using the cluster name or address.

        • AlwaysOn Availability Groups Add the environment as a cluster source using the cluster name or address.

      • Otherwise, add the environment as a standalone source.

  6. Click Next.

  7. In the Environment Settings tab select a Connector Environment.
    Connector environments are used as proxy for running discovery on the source. If no connector environments are available for selection, you will need to set them up as described in Adding a SQL Server Standalone Target Environment. Connector environments must:

    • have the Delphix Connector installed

    • be registered with the Delphix Engine from the host machine where they are located.

  8. Enter the Environment Name, Node Address, OS Username, and OS Password for the source environment.

  9. Click Submit.

As the new environment is added, you will see multiple jobs running in the Delphix Admin Job History to Create and Discover an environment. In addition, if you are adding a cluster environment, you will see jobs to Create and Discover each node in the cluster and their corresponding hosts. When the jobs are complete, you will see the new environment added to the list in the Environments panel. If you don't see it, click the Actions menu and select Refresh All.

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