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API cookbook: list alerts and list jobs

This API cookbook recipe describes how to obtain lists of jobs and alerts using the Delphix Engine API.

The List Alerts and List Jobs API calls can both accept the toDate and fromDate query parameters to limit rows returned. These parameters require the date to be expressed in ISO 8601 format.

List Alerts

$ curl -X GET -k http:/delphix-server/resources/json/delphix/alert \
    -b ~/cookies.txt -H "Content-Type: application/json"

For more information about the structure of an alert object, see the "/api/#Alert" link on your local Delphix Engine.

List Jobs (using fromDate)

$ curl -X GET -k http://delphix-server/resources/json/delphix/job?addEvents=true&fromDate=2012-11-08T00:00:00.0000Z \
    -b ~/cookies.txt -H "Content-Type: application/json"

For more information about the structure of a job object, see the "/api/#Job" link on your local Delphix Engine.

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