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CLI cookbook: changing SGA parameter

Below outlines the procedure to change SGA parameter setting on a provisioned VDB.


  1. Log into the Delphix Management application as admin or a user with Admin privileges.

  2. Go to source and then select the name of the VDB that you would like to change the parameters of.

  3. You are then going to update and edit the configParams.

  4. Next, you are going to set sga_target= correct value.

  5. Commit the operation so that it saves.


ssh admin@enginedelphix > sourcedelphix source > select "vdb_example"delphix source "vdb_example" > updatedelphix source "vdb_example" *> edit configParamsdelphix source "vdb_example" *> set sga_target=new valuedelphix source "vdb_example" *> commit

Modifying configuration parameters for a vPDB is not supported, so this workflow will not succeed for a vPDB.

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