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CLI cookbook: creating a policy

This will outline how to create a policy in the CLI, please note that you can also do this in the GUI.


  1. ssh into your Delphix Engine using admin credentials.

    ssh admin@delphixenginedelphix > ls
  2. Go to policies and createAndApply (please note that you cannot just create a policy, you must createAndApply, in the GUI you have the option to just create) and set your policy parameter.

    delphix > policydelphix policy > createAndApplydelphix policy createAndApply *> set policy.type=< choose from QuotaPolicy, RefreshPolicy, RetentionPolicy, SnapshotPolicy or SyncPolicy)delphix policy createAndApply *> set< name your policy>delphix policy createAndApply *> set policy.customized=truedelphix policy createAndApply *> set policy.delphix policy createAndApply *> set policy.provisionSource=(LATEST_SNAPSHOT or LATEST_TIME_FLOW_LOG)

If doing a RefreshPolicy, SyncPolicy or SnapshotPolicy you are also going to need to add the following:

delphix policy createAndApply *> edit policy.scheduleListdelphix policy createAndApply policy.scheduleList * > adddelphix policy createAndApply policy.scheduleList * > set cronString=delphix policy createAndApply policy.scheduleList * > set cutoffTime=delphix policy createAndApply policy.scheduleList * > back
  1. Set your target parameters which are going to be a container, group etc.

    delphix policy createAndApply *> set target=
  2. Verify and commit. 

    delphix policy createAndApply *> lsdelphix policy createAndApply *> commit
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