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CLI cookbook: determining the snapshot used to provision a VDB


The parent snapshot can be determined using the CLI as follows:

  1. Log into the server as a Delphix administrator:

    ssh admin@<server_ip>
  2. Select the VDB.

    delphix> databasedelphix database> lsObjectsNAME          PARENTCONTAINER DESCRIPTIONdSource1      - dSource2      - VDB1          dSource1        -VDB2          dSource2        -VDB3          dSource1        -delphix database> select VDB1
  3. List the VDB parameters, and make a note of the currentTimeflow value.

    delphix database "VDB1"> lsProperties    type: OracleDatabaseContainer    name: VDB1    currentTimeflow: VDB1/default    description: (unset)    diagnoseNoLoggingFaults: true    endianness: BIG_ENDIAN    group: <New Group>    masked: false    os: HP-UX    parentContainer: dSource1    performanceMode: false    processor: ia64    reference: ORACLE_DB_CONTAINER-10    runtime:        type: OracleDBContainerRuntime        logSyncActive: true    sourcingPolicy:        type: OracleSourcingPolicy        encryptedLinkingEnabled: false        logsyncEnabled: true        logsyncInterval: 300        logsyncMode: ARCHIVE_ONLY_MODE   version:
  4. Select the Timeflow listed for the VDB.

    delphix database "VDB1"> /timeflowdelphix timeflow> select VDB1/defaultList the timeflow parameters.  The Snapshot used to provision the VDB is listed as parentSnapshotdelphix timeflow "VDB1/default"> lsProperties
  5. List the Timeflow parameters. The Snapshot used to provision the VDB is listed as parentSnapshot.

    delphix timeflow "VDB1/default"> lsPropertiestype: OracleTimeflow    name: VDB1/default    container: VDB1    parentPoint:        type: OracleTimeflowPoint        location: 141285148        timeflow: dSource1/default    parentSnapshot: @2013-02-14T15:07:28.491Z    reference: ORACLE_TIMEFLOW-92572
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