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CLI cookbook: how to change database user password

  1. ssh into your engine using Admin privileges.

    ssh admin@delphixengine
  2. Go to sourceconfig and find the Database that you need to update the password on.

    delphix > sourceconfigdelphix sourceconfig > lsdelphix sourceconfig > select <yourdatabase>
  3. Update the password.

    delphix sourceconfig "yourdatabase" > updatedelphix sourceconfig "yourdatabase" update *> lsdelphix sourceconfig "yourdatabase" update *> set credentials.password=<new password>
  4. Commit the change.

    delphix sourceconfig "database" update *> commit


ssh admin@exampledelphix > sourceconfigdelphix sourceconfig > lsObjects NAME   REPOSITORY                  LINKINGENABLEDmeta1  '/u01/oracle/'  true Operationscreate delphix sourceconfig > select meta1delphix sourceconfig "meta1" > ls  Properties    type: OracleSIConfig    name: meta1    credentials:        type: PasswordCredential        password: ********    databaseName: meta1    discovered: true    environmentUser: delphix    instance:        type: OracleInstance        instanceName: meta1        instanceNumber: 1    linkingEnabled: true    nonSysCredentials: (unset)    nonSysUser: (unset)    reference: ORACLE_SINGLE_CONFIG-1    repository: '/u01/oracle/'    services:        0:            type: OracleService            discovered: true            jdbcConnectionString: jdbc:oracle:thin:@        1:            type: OracleService            discovered: true            jdbcConnectionString: jdbc:oracle:thin:@    uniqueName: meta1    user: delphix OperationsdeleteupdatevalidateCredentials delphix sourceconfig "meta1" > updatedelphix sourceconfig "meta1" update *> set credentials.password=<new password>delphix sourceconfig "meta1" update *> commit
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