CLI cookbook: provisioning a SAP ASE VDB
This topic describes how to provision an SAP ASE VDB using the command line interface.
You will need the following information:
The name of the VDB you want to create
The group in which to create the VDB
The SAP ASE database name for the VDB
The source dSource or VDB from which you wish to provision
The semanticLocation, LSN, or timestamp of the point you want to provision from (if not using the most recent). You can run these commands to get the list of snapshots or timeflow ranges:
BASHsnapshot list database=dexamplesnapshot list timeflow=dexamplesnapshot list fromDate="2020-03-01T00:00:00.000Z" toDate="2020-03-04T11:31:27.883Z"
The target host on which you want to create the VDB. You can list the hosts with the /host list command.
The source repository (SAP ASE instance on the target host) in which to create the VDB. These can be listed with the /repository list command.
Execute the database provision command.
BASHdelphix> database provision
Set the type for the new VDB
BASHdelphix database provision *> set type=ASEProvisionParameters
Use defaults to fill in most of the information and then customize any additional information that you do not want defaulted, for what information has been filled in after defaults you can do an ls for all fields:
BASHdelphix database provision *> defaultsdelphix database provision *> lsProperties: type: TimeflowPointSemantic container: (unset) location: LATEST_POINTdelphix database provision *> set container=<dexample>delphix database provision *> commit
Set the name and group for the new VDB.
BASHdelphix database provision *> set<vexample>delphix database provision *> set"<New Group>"
Set the name of the new VDB.
BASHdelphix database provision *> set sourceConfig.databaseName=<vexample>
Set the target Dataset Home.
BASHdelphix database provision *> set sourceConfig.repository=<Dataset Home>delphix database provision *> set sourceConfig.environmentUser=<Host environment name/sybase>
Set the source container from which to provision.
BASHdelphix database provision *> set timeflowPointParameters.container=<dexample>
Set the desired value for truncateLogOnCheckpoint
BASHdelphix database provision *> set truncateLogOnCheckpoint=false
Commit the configuration and start the DB_PROVISION job
BASHdelphix database provision *> commit