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CLI cookbook: V2P: virtual to physical of a single instance non-multitenant Oracle database

This topic describes how to provision a physical single instance non-multitenant Oracle database using the Delphix Engine command-line interface.


You will need the following information:

  • The instance name, instance number, and unique name of the Oracle database you wish to create

  • The source dSource or VDB from which you wish to provision.

  • The semanticLocation, SCN, or timestamp of the point you want to provision from. You can run these commands to get the list of snapshots or Timeflow ranges:

    snapshot list database=dexampletimeflow "dexample" timeflowRanges; commit
  • The layout of the filesystems on the target server where data should be exported.

  • The source repository (oracle install) in which to create the VDB. These can be listed with the /repository list command.


  1. Execute the database export command. 

    delphix> database export
  2. Set the Timeflow point type, source container, and location.

    delphix database export *> set timeflowPointParameters.type=TimeflowPointSemanticdelphix database export *> set timeflowPointParameters.container=dexampledelphix database export *> set timeflowPointParameters.location=LATEST_SNAPSHOT
  3. Edit the sourceConfig configuration, specifying the parameters for the database created via V2P.

    delphix database export *> edit sourceConfigdelphix database export sourceConfig *> set type=OracleSIConfig delphix database export sourceConfig *> edit instancedelphix database export sourceConfig instance *> lsdelphix database export sourceConfig instance *> set instanceName=v2p_dbdelphix database export sourceConfig instance *> set instanceNumber=1delphix database export sourceConfig instance *> backdelphix database export sourceConfig *> set repository=tserver/'/u01/app/ora11204/product/11.2.0/dbhome_1' delphix database export sourceConfig *> set uniqueName=v2p_dbdelphix database export sourceConfig *> set databaseName=v2p_dbdelphix database export sourceConfig *> back
  4. Set the destination locations.

    delphix database export *> set filesystemLayout.targetDirectory=//u01/app/oracle/oradata/v2p_dbdelphix database export *> set filesystemLayout.archiveDirectory=archive delphix database export *> set filesystemLayout.dataDirectory=datafiles delphix database export *> set filesystemLayout.externalDirectory=external delphix database export *> set filesystemLayout.scriptDirectory=script delphix database export *> set filesystemLayout.tempDirectory=temp
  5. Commit the configuration to execute the job.

    delphix database export *> commit
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