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Customizing target directory structure for database export

This topic describes how to customize the target directory layout for database export.

In the V2P export process, it may be necessary to customize the target directory structure which the files will be exported to. The following is the default directory structure:

  • Data files: <target directory>/data

  • Archive files: <target directory>/archive

  • Temp files: <target directory>/temp

  • External files: <target directory>/external

  • Script files: <target directory>/script

The example on this page uses / for file separators which is relevant for Unix and Linux environments. If the target environment is Windows, the file separator will be \.

The following procedure describes how to customize the directory layout.


  1. During the virtual to physical export process, click Advanced in the V2P Wizard to see the target directory options.

  2. You can customize any of the following:

    • Data directory

    • Archive directory

    • Temp directory

    • External directory

    • Script directory

  3. Each directory will then be concatenated to the Target directory separated by the appropriate separator.

Any one of  Target directory, Data directory, Archive directory, Temp directory,  External directory, Script directory can be blank. However, the combination of the fields must form an absolute path.

  • Data files: <target directory>/<data directory>

  • Archive files: <target directory>/<archive directory>

  • Temp files: <target directory>/<archive directory>

  • External files: <target directory>/<external directory>

  • Script files: <target directory>/<script directory>


Target directory is not empty

This means all target directories have a common root.


Final directory layout

  • Target directory: /mytarget

  • Data directory: /mydata

  • Archive directory: /myarchive

  • Temp directory: /mytemp

  • External directory: /myexternal

  • Script directory: /myscript

  • Data files: /mytarget/mydata

  • Archive files: /mytarget/myarchive

  • Temp files: /mytarget/mytemp

  • External files: /mytarget/myexternal

  • Script files: /mytarget/myscript 

Target directory is empty

All target directories may not have a common root. Note that external files and temp files share the same common root.


Final Directory Layout

  • Target directory:

  • Data directory: /mydata

  • Archive directory: /myarchive

  • Temp directory: /mytarget/temp

  • External directory: /mytarget/external

  • Script directory: /myscript

  • Data files: /mydata

  • Archive files: /myarchive

  • Temp files: /mytarget/temp

  • External files: /mytarget/external

  • Script files: /myscript

Target directory is empty and data directory /

Combined with Customizing VDB file mappings, exporting data files to separate file systems is possible. In this example, a.dbf and b.dbf can be exported to /filesystem1 and /filesystem2 respectively. For Oracle VDBs, it is necessary to specify the parameter useAbsolutePathForDataFiles in order to export data files to separate file systems.


Final directory layout

  • Target directory:

  • Data directory:

  • Archive directory:  /myarchive

  • Temp directory:  /mytarget/temp

  • External directory:  /mytarget/myexternal

  • Script directory:  /myscript

  • File mappings:

    • a.dbf : /filesystem1/a.dbf

    • b.dbf : /filesystem2/b.dbf

  • Data files:/

  • CODE
  • CODE
  • Archive files: /myarchive

  • Temp files: /mytarget/mytemp

  • External files: /mytarget/myexternal

  • Script files: /myscript

Target directory is empty and one of the subdirectories is empty would result in an error.


Final Directories

  • Target directory:

  • Data directory: /mydata

  • Archive directory:

  • Temp directory: /mytarget/temp

  • External directory: /mytarget/myexternal

  • Script directory: /myscript


For parallel execution of V2P operations from the same target, make sure that the scripts directory name is unique.

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