How to change the hostname of the Delphix engine
Changing the hostname
Perform the following steps to change the hostname of a Delphix engine.
Currently, it is only possible to change the hostname via the Command Line Interface (CLI).
Stop all running VDBs by clicking the Stop button on the VDB card.
Disable all dSources.
Log into the Delphix CLI using your sysadmin username and password. If you are using the same interface that you connected to the CLI on, it will interrupt the connection. Therefore, it is recommended to log in to the CLI on the console.
CODEssh sysadmin@yourdelphixengine
Run the following commands.
CODEdlpx01> network dlpx01 network> setup dlpx01 network setup> ls Properties defaultRoute: dhcp: false dnsDomain: plb.internal dnsServers:,, hostname: dlpx01 primaryAddress: Operations update dlpx01 network setup> update dlpx01 network setup update *> set hostname=newhostname dlpx01 network setup update *> commit
If DHCP is being used, the Delphix Engine will expect the Hostname to be provided by the DHCP server. As such, there will be no property 'hostname' to update. This process requires changing the IP addressing configuration from DHCP to static address configuration. To proceed you will need to take the following action (making sure that there is no conflict between your DHCP server and the changes you are implementing).
CODEdlpx01 network setup> update dlpx01 network setup update *> set dhcp=false dlpx01 network setup update *> set hostname=newhostname dlpx01 network setup update *> commit newhostname network setup> update newhostname network setup update *> set dhcp=true newhostname network setup update *> commit newhostname network setup> ls Properties defaultRoute: dhcp: true dnsDomain: plb.internal dnsServers:,, hostname: newhostname primaryAddress:
Re-enable the VDBs and dSources running from the engine.