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Uninstalling the Delphix connector service from the target database servers

On occasion, the installed Delphix Connector may become out of date as newer versions of Delphix are released to improve stability or performance.

The following steps can be used to uninstall and reinstall the Delphix Connector as required:

  • Uninstall the Delphix Connector

  • Download the latest installer from your Delphix Engine

  • Reinstall the Delphix Connector

While the Delphix Connector is uninstalled on target/staging environments, dSource and virtual database (VDB) operations (such as validated sync, manual snapshots, and provisioning operations) initiated by the Delphix Engine against those environments will fail.

When working with target/staging environments, or Delphix Engines with a large number of users, to reduce the risk of confusion or failure for other users consider disabling each dSource in the environment. In the case of VDBs, there is no need to disable or shutdown. If SnapSync, refresh or other VDB operations occur during the uninstall/install they can be restarted once the procedure is complete. This prevents the need to incur more downtime.

Uninstalling the Delphix connector  

Before uninstalling the Delphix Connector, the following steps should be performed using the Delphix Management application:

  1. Login to the Delphix Management application as an admin. Note:

    As a precaution, you can backup the binary directories, such as bin, connector, service, scripts, etc, to a temporary location.

  2. Copy the logs directory, since uninstall will remove this directory. VDB or Staging folders can not be moved since the data is an iSCSI data mount. These will not be removed or manipulated during uninstall/reinstall.

  3. Verify that no VDB provisioning or refresh operations are currently being performed on the target/staging environments.

  4. If the environment being upgraded is a staging environment for any dSources, disable all dSources using this environment.

  5. Just prior to disabling dSources, use the following query on each SQL Server instance to verify that no operations are currently running.

    Show Restore Operations

    SELECT r.session_id, r.command, CONVERT(NUMERIC(6,2), r.percent_complete) AS [PercentComplete], CONVERT(VARCHAR(20), DATEADD(ms,r.estimated_completion_time, GetDate()),20) AS [ETACompletionTime], CONVERT(NUMERIC(10,2), r.total_elapsed_time/1000.0/60.0) AS [ElapsedMin], CONVERT(NUMERIC(10,2), r.estimated_completion_time/1000.0/60.0) AS [ETAMin], CONVERT(NUMERIC(10,2), r.estimated_completion_time/1000.0/60.0/60.0) AS [ETAHours], CONVERT(VARCHAR(1000), (SELECT SUBSTRING(text, r.statement_start_offset/2, CASE WHEN r.statement_end_offset = -1 THEN 1000 ELSE (r.statement_end_offset-r.statement_start_offset)/2 END) FROM sys.dm_exec_sql_text(sql_handle)))
    FROM sys.dm_exec_requests r 

    Note : If your Windows Server is used as a Staging / Validated Sync Target for one or more linked dSources, uninstalling the connector while a Validated Sync operation (i.e. database restore) is in progress may leave the database in an inconsistent state. Validated Sync operations are not visible in the Delphix GUI, so it is necessary to query the SQL Server instance(s) on this server directly to check whether a restore is in progress.

  6. If any operations are in progress, wait for them to complete before disabling dSources. Once complete, disable dSources and proceed with the uninstall.

On the Target/Staging Environment (where the Delphix Connector is being upgraded):

  1. From the Windows Services manager, Stop the Delphix Connector Service.

  2. Via the Task Manager verify that the java process associated with the Delphix Connector has terminated.

  3. From Control Panel select Programs and Features, then navigate to Delphix Connector, right-click it and select uninstall.

  4. Install the new connector from the downloaded DelphixConnectorInstaller.msi or DelphixConnectorInstaller.exe file. For more information refer to Installing the Delphix Connector Service on the Target Database Servers.

  5. Check the Delphix Connector version from the Programs and Features list. For more information on Connector versions please refer to How To Determine Connector Version.

  6. Check the Delphix Connector service is running and set to automatic.

  7. Verify your system is now working properly. You may need to manually start any disabled dSources or VDBs from the Delphix UI. For more information refer to Managing Data Sources and Syncing Data.

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