CLI cookbook: linking a SQL Server database loading from the last full backup of the source database
This topic describes how to use the command-line interface to link a SQL Server database by loading from the last full backup of the source database.
Enter the following commands in the Delphix Engine command-line interface:
set type=LinkParameters;
set name=<dSource name>;
set group=<group name>;
set linkData.type=MSSqlLinkData;
set linkData.syncParameters.type=MSSqlExistingMostRecentBackupSyncParameters
set linkData.config=<source database>;
set linkData.sharedBackupLocations="<source database backup locations>";
set linkData.pptRepository=<SQL instance on the staging server>;
set linkData.sourcingPolicy.type=SourcingPolicy;
set linkData.mssqlUser.type=MSSqlDomainUser
set linkData.mssqlUser.user=ad\dbuser
set linkData.mssqlUser.password.password=dbuserpwd
set linkData.ingestionStrategy.type=<ingestion strategy type>;