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CLI Cookbook: V2P virtual to physical on SQL server

This topic describes how to export a physical single instance SQL Server database from a VDB using the Delphix Engine command-line interface.


You will need the following information:

  • The VDB name which you wish to export.

  • The database name of the SQL Server database you wish to create

  • The layout of the filesystems on the target server where data should be exported.

  • The target repository in which to create the physical database. Repositories can be listed with the /repository list command.


  1. Execute the command database export .

    delphix> database export
  2. Specify the set type=MSSqlExportParameters

    delphix database export *> set type=MSSqlExportParameters
  3. Set the VDB you wish to export

    delphix database export *> edit timeflowPointParameters
    delphix database export timeflowPointParameters *> set container=vdb
    delphix database export timeflowPointParameters *> back
  4. Edit the sourceConfig configuration, specifying the parameters for the database created via V2P.

    delphix database export *> edit sourceConfig
    delphix database export sourceConfig *> set type=MSSqlSIConfig
    delphix database export sourceConfig *> set databaseName=v2p_db
    delphix database export sourceConfig *> set repository=win2012/SQL2016
    delphix database export sourceConfig *> back
  5. Set the destination locations.

    delphix database export *> edit filesystemLayout
    delphix database export filesystemLayout *> set targetDirectory=C:\temp
    delphix database export filesystemLayout *> set archiveDirectory=archive 
    delphix database export filesystemLayout *> set dataDirectory=datafiles 
    delphix database export filesystemLayout *> set externalDirectory=external 
    delphix database export filesystemLayout *> set scriptDirectory=script 
    delphix database export filesystemLayout *> set tempDirectory=temp
  6. Commit the configuration to execute the job.

    delphix database export *> commit
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