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Provisioning a VDB from an encrypted SAP ASE database

This topic describes how to provision a VDB from an encrypted database.

The Delphix Engine supports provisioning from a dSource linked to a physical database that has been encrypted with SAP ASE Database Encryption, which can be used to encrypt columns or complete databases.

You can provision a VDB from a dSource linked to an encrypted database using the normal process to Provision an SAP ASE VDB but the user needs to ensure that the same key with the same name is present on the target instance as it was on the staging instance because we mount the database onto the target that was created on the staging instance. The keys should be imported from the source instance. Refer to configuration steps 4 and 5 of Delphix Implementation of Database Encryption to export and import the master and encryption key.

Exception with suggested actions is raised in the following scenario:

  • If the required encryption key is not present on the target instance during the provisioning.

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