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Virtual to physical

Customizing target directory structure for database export

This topic describes how to customize the target directory layout for database export. In the V2P export process, it may be necessary to customize the target directory structure which the files will be exported to. The following is the default dire...

Updated on : 25 May 2023

Manually recovering a database after V2P

This article describes how to manually recover a database after the V2P process. For the Oracle database, while running V2P, Delphix copies the datafiles and other required files on the physical storage. After that it performs the database recov...

Updated on : 25 May 2023

V2P with unstructured files

This topic describes the procedure for performing virtual to physical (V2P) operations with unstructured files. V2P Not Supported for Unstructured Files on Windows V2P is not supported for unstructured files on Windows environments. Similar resu...

Updated on : 25 May 2023

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