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Working with performance analytics graphs in the graphical user interface

This topic describes the performance analytics graphs that are available in the Delphix Management application, and the controls for changing the views of those graphs.

Accessing the performance analytics graphs

  1. Log into the Delphix Management application.

  2. In the Resources menu, select Performance Analytics.

  3. Use the controls described below to view statistics and their related graphs.

General graph display and controls

Control Name

Control description


Chart Tabs

Specifies which graphs/charts are displayed.

Chart tabs have a multiple select drop-down which has the same three options checked by default (CPU, Network, Disk IO). Users can show/hide graphs by checking/unchecking drop-down options.


Controls the time range of data displayed in the graph. Available values are 1 minute, 1 hour, and 1 day. By default, 1 minute is selected.

Timescale options are presented as a drop-down, select from MinuteHour, or Day to change the Zoom Level.


Pause/Resume icons

All charts display live data so users can pause it by clicking the Pause button in the upper right corner of each graph. Once the chart is paused, the Pause button is replaced by the Resume button so a user can click it to see live data again.

Op. Type

Operation Type (used in Disk IO, NFS and iSCSI charts)

Options are presented as a drop-down.

Shown Data Timeline 

Displays timestamps of data points in the graph.

Available Data Timeline

Displays navigable time ranges for historical data.

Timeline Selector

Specifies the start and end time for the currently displayed data. The range displayed is controlled by the Zoom Level.

Drag the Timeline Selector to view statistics for a specific time in the past, or click the scroll bar arrows to view the desired time period. You can also use the slider controls within the Timeline Selector to change the length of time for which data is displayed.

When the Timeline Selector is aligned to the right of the timeline, it represents live data that is updated every second. If the Timeline Selector is moved from the right alignment with the timeline, the data displayed is historical and no live updates are displayed. To resume live data updates, move the Timeline Selector back to the right-aligned position representing the current time. The data will be refreshed to the latest data, and live updates will resume every second.

Graph Legend 

If more than one set of information is presented on the graph, the Graph Legend displays a description and color for each set and allows a user to toggle that set-off and on.

For example, in the network graph there can be multiple network interfaces, and for each network interface the graph displays four statistics (bytes sent, bytes received, packets sent, packets received). When a user toggles off a specific network interface, all four statistics corresponding to that interface are hidden from the screen.

The color for lines representing bytes sent and packets sent is the same. Similarly, the color for lines representing bytes received and packets received is the same. This makes it easier to correlate the number of bytes and the number of packets sent/received for a given network interface.

To hide a set of information, click on the set name within the Graph Legend. Data representing that set is removed from the graph, and the set's name is greyed out. To show a set that has been hidden, click on the set name.

Latency, timeline page, and tooltip graph display and controls

Control Name

Control Description


Timeline Page Left/Right Button

Scrolls Available Data Timeline by a specified time range depending on the current Zoom Level.

When the Zoom Level is set to Minute, click Timeline Page Left. The Available Data Timeline is changed to show the time period for the previous hour prior.

Graph Value Tooltip

Shows a value, along with the time stamp, for a specific data point.

Mouse over a data point on the graph to view the tooltip.

Latency Range Selector (shown on latency heatmaps only)

Controls the lower and upper limits for displayed latency buckets.

Drag the lower and upper controls to drill down into a specific range of latency buckets. Latency buckets that fall outside of the selected range are summarized, the lower row representing latency buckets that are below the lower limit, and the upper row representing latency buckets that are below the upper limit of the latency range selector. Use Latency Range Selector to view a more detailed distribution of latencies for a specific range.

Latency Outlier Selector (shown on latency heatmaps only)

Hides infrequent latencies (outliers) based on a percentage threshold. Its range is 0%-10%, with a default of 0%. The percentage establishes a threshold below which buckets are considered "outliers" and are hidden from the graph. Each bucket is assigned a percentage based on the ratio of its count vs the maximum count of any bucket in the graph.

Drag the control to the desired percentage threshold.

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