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CLI cookbook: detaching and attaching a SAP ASE dSource

This CLI cookbook recipe describes how to Detach and Attach an SAP ASE dSource using the CLI.


A dSource can only be attached to a new data source once it has been unlinked.
When attaching an SAP ASE dSource to a new data source, the new data source must be the same logical database satisfying the following constraints:

  • Same dbid

  • Same dbname

  • Same creation time

You must also make sure that you follow the normal prerequisites for an SAP ASE data source found in SAP ASE Support and Requirements.


Detach a dSource

  1. Login to the CLI as admin or a user with Admin privileges.

  2. Select dSource.

    delphix> database "dexample"
  3. Run the detachSourcecommand, specifying the currently active source. Note: This step can be skipped if the dSource has already been detached through the GUI.

    delphix database "dexample"> detachSource
    delphix database "dexample" detachSource *> set source=dexample
    delphix database "dexample" detachSource *> commit

Attach a dSource

  1. Login to the CLI as admin or a user with Admin privileges.

  2. Run the attachSource command.

    delphix database "dexample"> attachSource
    delphix database "dexample" attachSource *> set attachData.config=dexample
    delphix database "dexample" attachSource *> set attachData.dbCredentials.password=sybase
    delphix database "dexample" attachSource *> set attachData.dbUser=sa
    delphix database "dexample" attachSource *> set attachData.loadBackupPath=/tmp/backups
    delphix database "dexample" attachSource *> set attachData.sourceHostUser="source_host_environment/sybase"
    delphix database "dexample" attachSource *> set attachData.stagingHostUser="staging_host_environment/sybase"
    delphix database "dexample" attachSource *> set attachData.stagingRepository="staging_ASE_servername_example"
    delphix database "dexample" attachSource *> ls
        type: ASEAttachSourceParameters
            type: ASEAttachData
            config: dexample (*)
                type: PasswordCredential
                password: ******** (*)
            dbUser: sa (*)
            dumpCredentials: (unset)
            externalFilePath: (unset)
            loadBackupPath: /tmp/backups (*)
            loadLocation: (unset)
            mountBase: (unset)
            operations: (unset)
            sourceHostUser: source_ASE_servername_example/sybase (*)
            stagingHostUser: staging_ASE_servername_example/sybase (*)
            stagingPostScript: (unset)
            stagingPreScript: (unset)
            stagingRepository: staging_ASE_servername_example (*)
            validatedSyncMode: ENABLED
    delphix database "dexample" attachSource *> commit
        Dispatched job JOB-25
        DB_ATTACH_SOURCE job started for "Untitled/dexample".
        DB_ATTACH_SOURCE job for "Untitled/dexample" completed successfully.

This command is only necessary if you are using a Remote Backup Server configuration from staging to the source, instead of an NFS mounted shared directory for backups and transaction log dumps:

delphix database "dexample" attachSource *> set attachData.loadLocation.backupServerName=source_backupserver_name_example
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