CLI cookbook: setting multiple addresses for a target host
This topic is an example of using arrays to configure a target host to support multiple IP addresses. The nfsAddressList
property is an array of strings.
Select the host to update
CODEdelphix> host delphix host> select example delphix host "example"> update
Set the address:
CODEDelphix host '' update *> set nfsAddressList=","
Get the current addresses, both as a string and as an array object.
CODEdelphix host "example" update *> get nfsAddressList, (*) delphix host "example" update *> get nfsAddressList[0] (*) delphix host "example" update *> edit nfsAddressList delphix host "example" update addresses *> get 0: (*) 1: (*)
Commit the result:
CODEdelphix host "example" update addresses *> commit delphix host "example">