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CLI cookbook: toggle new DBID generation upon refresh options for Oracle VDBs

This topic describes how to toggle Generate new DBID upon refresh option for Oracle VDBs.


  1. Login to the Delphix CLI.

  2. Go to source.

    delphix> source
  3. Select the VDB that you need to update 

    delphix> source select 'VDBOMSRE71EE4_QGE'
  4. Toggle new DBID value. The new DBID value can be true or false. If the newDBIDparameter is set to false then the new DBID generation will stop.

    delphix source VDBOMSRE71EE4_QGE> update
    delphix source VDBOMSRE71EE4_QGE> set newDBID=<new value>
  5. Finally, commit the changes to save the changes.

    delphix source VDBOMSRE71EE4_QGE> commit
  6. Refresh the VDB through CLI to generate a new DBID if the newDBID parameter was set to true. If the newDBID parameter was set to false, the Delphix engine will use the same DBID as the parent.

    delphix> /database
    delphix database>  select 'VDBO_QGE'
    delphix database 'VDBO_QGE'> refresh
    delphix database 'VDBO_QGE' refresh> commit

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