(latest) Troubleshooting
If you run into an error while using the MySQL plugin and have an exit code in the error, refer to ExitCodes for further information.
There are 2 sets of logs for the MySQL plugin
Plugin Logs Plugin logs are part of the Delphix Engine. Refer to [How to Retrieve Logs] (https://developer.delphix.com/References/Logging/#how-to-retrieve-logs) to find out how to get the Delphix Plugin Logs.
MySQL Shell Operation Logs When the plugin performs certain operations ( such as Take backup, Link, Provision etc), logs are written to log files on the staging or target host under the Delphix Toolkit directory
Following are the logs to review
Common MySQL commands
Connecting to a MySQL instance
delphixos> /usr/bin/mysql -uUserName -pPassword --protocol=TCP --port=1234
List databases in MySQL
mysql> show databases;
Check replication status in MySQL
mysql> show slave status;
Check binary logging
mysql> SHOW VARIABLES LIKE 'log_bin';
Check user permissions
mysql> show grants for 'delphixdb'@'%';