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Managing objects

This topic describes the use of objects in the Delphix Engine command-line interface and provides a list of the object management operations.

The Delphix Engine represents state through objects. These objects are typically managed through the following operations, covered in more detail in the Command Reference topics.

The topic CLI cookbook: Changing the Default Group Name illustrates the use of object management commands such as list and get.




For a given object type (represented by a static context such as database), list the objects on the system, optionally constrained by some set of attributes. Some objects are global to the system and do not support this operation.


Select a particular object by name to get properties or perform an operation on the object. See the “Delphix Objects” section for more information on object naming.


Display all or some of the properties of an object after selecting it.


Enter a command context to change one or more properties of an object after selecting. Not all objects support this operation, and only properties that can be edited are shown when in the update command context.


Create a new instance of the object type from the root static context. Not all objects can be created in this simplified fashion. Databases, for example, are created through the link and provision commands.


Deletes an object that has been selected. Not all objects can be deleted.

In contexts where there are multiple objects of a given type, the list command can be used to display available objects, and the select command can select an object for subsequent operation.

When listing objects, each context has its own set of default columns to display. The display option can be used to control what columns are displayed to the user. This is a comma-separated list of property names as they would be retrieved by the get command. It is possible to specify properties that do not exist in order to accommodate lists of objects of varying types and untyped objects.

The topic CLI cookbook: Listing Data Source Sizes provide an example of using the list command.

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