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Refreshing a virtual EBS instance

This topic describes the process of refreshing a virtual Oracle E-Business Suite (EBS) instance.

Changes applied to EBS and picked up only in some dSource snapshots may make certain combinations of snapshots across the appsTier and dbTier incompatible. When provisioning, refreshing, or rewinding a virtual EBS instance, be sure the points in time you choose for each dataset are compatible with each other.

Be careful! Services running on the appsTier depend on the availability of services on the dbTier. The steps below are explicitly ordered with these dependencies in mind. Executing steps out of order may lead to errors in accessing the virtual EBS instance.


  1. Login to the Delphix Management application.

  2. Click Manage

  3. Select Datasets

  4. Select the appsTier vFiles for your EBS instance.

  5. Click the Stop icon to shut down the appsTier services.

  6. Select the VDB utilized by your EBS instance.

  7. Click the Stop icon to shut down the database.

  8. Select the dbTechStack vFiles hosting your virtual EBS database.

  9. Click the Stop icon to shut down the database listener.

    Warning: If you did NOT specify the Cleanup Before Provision option for either your virtual dbTechStack or appsTier, you must manually clean up your target environments prior to refreshing. If you have specified this option for both datasets, no manual work is required.

    To manually clean up a target environment prior to refresh, remove instance-specific directories and or inventory entries that will conflict with files and entries recreated during the refresh. Without this clean-up, post-clone configuration performed during a refresh will fail with an error claiming that a conflicting EBS instance is already installed.

  10. Refresh the dbTechStack vFiles.

    1. On the vFiles, click the Refresh.

    2. Select a snapshot from which to refresh.

  11. Refresh the EBS VDB.

    1. On the VDB, click the Refresh.

    2. Select a snapshot from which to refresh.

  12. Refresh the appsTier vFiles.

    1. On the vFiles, click the Refresh.

    2. Select a snapshot from which to refresh.

Once you have refreshed all three EBS virtual datasets successfully, your virtual EBS instance should be running and accessible.

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