Resolving upgrade checks
When verifying an upgrade, the verification job can sometimes detect particular action items called upgrade checks. These checks are items that the Delphix Engine is not capable of fixing on its own, and require customer and/or Delphix support action. Every upgrade check that appears must be resolved or ignored before the upgrade can proceed, with the exception of INFORMATIONAL checks which require no action by users. Below is a workflow for various severity types and upgrade check action.

Upgrade severities checks
Severity | Description |
CRITICAL | These checks indicate a potential problem post-upgrade with the Delphix Engine. The Delphix Engine cannot be upgraded while CRITICAL checks are present; it is likely that the engine will fail to upgrade or break catastrophically post-upgrade. |
WARNING | These checks indicate problems that are local to some objects on the Delphix Engine, but the overall engine can continue running. For example, WARNING checks may indicate a problem with the configuration of a particular Windows environment and indicate that if an upgrade occurs, that environment will not function properly. |
INFORMATIONAL | These checks provide important information about your upgrade but do not require immediate action. |
The following is a list of checks that have been added to the Delphix Engine:
OS tunable settings (CRITICAL) - Upgrade verification checks that only a certain set of operating system tunables have been adjusted. If tunable settings not on this acceptable list have been changed, please contact Delphix support.
Hotfix (CRITICAL) - Upgrade verification checks if any hotfixes have been applied to the Delphix Engine, and if any exist that are not resolved in the Upgrade version, this check will generate a Critical result. In this scenario, the Engine may still be upgraded, but we ask that you contact Delphix support to assist in addressing the check.
Snapshot directory visible (CRITICAL) - This is an internal Delphix Engine problem that Delphix support can resolve for our customers.
Replication (WARNING) - It indicates that your Delphix Engine has replication set up as either a target or source. Delphix Engines can only perform replication to engines on the same version or higher, so it is recommended to upgrade all Engines in a Replication configuration at the same time, depending on the requirements. For more information on forward-compatible replication, refer to Replication overview.
Storage available (WARNING) - Upgrade verification checks that there is sufficient space to perform data operations.
SSL/TLS configuration (WARNING) - Upgrade verification checks that the security configuration of the engine is up to date and properly configured.
An Upgrade check can result in multiple check results. Check results are essentially a to-do list of action items required before performing an upgrade. For example, the OS Tunables will create one line item in the UI for each present tunable that is not on our acceptable list. There are two actions that can be performed on each check result.
Upgrade check actions
Action | Description |
resolve | You have taken the action necessary to solve the problem and complete the action item. Marking a result as resolved means that the customer believes the check result indicated will no longer be a problem. The next verification run will check the result again, but if it is fixed will not create any new check results. |
ignore | You have no intention of fixing the problem indicated by the check result. Future verification runs will not generate that check result again if it is present. CRITICAL severity checks cannot be ignored. |
Examples of upgrade check actions
Case A: Verification results from critical severity check
Consider a case where Delphix Engine previously had a few hotfixes installed by Delphix Support to resolve an issue.
During the upgrade process, a critical severity message is displayed indicating the hotfixes that was used to resolve issue might be lost or reappear after the upgrade.
Hence new upgrade version is missing the root cause fix for that issue. In this example, the action is either to contact Delphix Support or upgrade to a new version that no longer needs these hotfixes. After taking the necessary action, you must mark resolved for the verification steps to complete for a successful upgrade.

It is mandatory to resolve all critical severity errors
Case B: Verification results warning severity check with ignore all warnings
Consider a case where Delphix Engine is configured as a Delphix Replication source for another Delphix Engine.
During the upgrade process, a warning message appears because the target engine is on a version that is incompatible with the source engine version.
Hence replication is interrupted until the target engine is upgraded to a newer version.
In this example, the action steps are either to mark the issue as Mark resolved or Mark ignored because a replication-compatibility is acceptable with a few limitations (as indicated in below warning message).

All Warnings must either be Mark resolved or Mark ignored

You also can use Ignore all warnings option to disregard all warning messages at once.
Case C: Verification steps upgrade failure
When you want to see more details about the verification process use the Verification steps radio button. Verification Steps is an alternate way to view the verification status. It includes all the steps that were performed by the verification process, the status, description and the duration of the step.
In this example below verification status, FAIL indicates that a verification result was generated. In the Verification results view, a FAIL status on this screen may correspond to a CRITICAL, WARNING, or INFORMATIONAL severity.

Failure severity

The description indicates why upgrade failure occurred

Verification results