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CLI cookbook: Delphix session protocol test from primary engine to replication engine


The network performance tool measures network performance between a Delphix Engine and an environment host. You must have added an environment in order to use this tool.

This transmission control protocol (TCP) throughput test uses TCP port 50001 by default. The port can also be configured on a per-test-run basis. For the duration of a given throughput test, a server on the receiver will be listening on this port. For a transmit test, the receiver is the remote host; for a receive test, the receiver is the Delphix Engine


Delphix uses the Delphix Session Protocol (DSP) protocol to communicate between primary and replication engines.

  1. Login to Delphix Engine using a Delphix administrator account such as delphix_admin. As soon as you login, you will get prompt with engine name.

    -bash-4.3$ ssh delphix_admin@delphix
  2. Create a DSP test.

    delphix> network test dsp create
  3. Set the destinationType to DELPHIX_ENGINE to do a DSP test between two Delphix Engines. The default is REMOTE_HOST which executes a DSP test between a source or target host and the Delphix Engine.

    delphix network test dsp create *> set destinationType=DELPHIX_ENGINE
  4. Use get to see other optional arguments. Modify the test parameters as needed and commit to start the test.

    delphix network test dsp create *> get
       type: NetworkDSPTestParameters
       blockSize: 64KB
       compression: false
       destinationType: REMOTE_HOST
       direction: TRANSMIT
       duration: 30
       encryption: false
       numConnections: 0
       queueDepth: 32
       receiveSocketBuffer: 256KB
       remoteDelphixEngineInfo: (unset)
       remoteHost: (unset)
       sendSocketBuffer: 256KB
    delphix network test dsp create *> set remoteDelphixEngineInfo.address=delphix2
    delphix network test dsp create *> set remoteDelphixEngineInfo.principal=delphix_admin
    delphix network test dsp create *> edit remoteDelphixEngineInfo
    delphix network test dsp create remoteDelphixEngineInfo *> get
       type: RemoteDelphixEngineInfo (*)
       address: delphix2 (*)
       credential: (required)
       principal: delphix_admin (*)
    delphix network test dsp create remoteDelphixEngineInfo *> set credential.password=delphix
    delphix network test dsp create remoteDelphixEngineInfo *> commit
       Dispatched job JOB-8
       NETWORK_DSP_TEST_EXECUTE job started.
       Measuring throughput with variable number of connections: 716 Mbps measured for 1 connections.
       Measuring throughput with variable number of connections: 711 Mbps measured for 2 connections.
       Measuring throughput with variable number of connections: 611 Mbps measured for 4 connections.
       Measuring throughput with variable number of connections: 646 Mbps measured for 6 connections.
       Measuring throughput with variable number of connections: 567 Mbps measured for 8 connections.
       Measuring average throughput for 30 seconds with 1 connections.
       Measured throughput of 408 Mbps.
       NETWORK_DSP_TEST_EXECUTE job completed successfully.
  5. Retrieve the test results.

    delphix> network test dsp list
    NAME                               PARAMETERS.DIRECTION  STATE      THROUGHPUT
    delphix2-2018-01-23T21:25:31.172Z  TRANSMIT              COMPLETED  880.5Mbps
    delphix2-2018-02-02T17:54:58.322Z  TRANSMIT              COMPLETED  408.5Mbps
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