CLI cookbook: provisioning a VDB from a timeflow bookmark
This topic describes how to create a Timeflow bookmark and use it to provision a single instance Oracle VDB using the Delphix Engine command-line interface.
You can create Timeflow bookmarks to give a semantically meaningful name to a TimeFlow point (scn, location or timestamp within a Timeflow). You can then use the bookmarks you created to execute the following database operations:
Test file mappings
VDB Rewind
You will need the following information:
The name of the Timeflow bookmark you want to create
The name of the VDB you want to create
The group in which to create the VDB
The Oracle database name
The Oracle database unique name
The Oracle database instance number
The Oracle database instance name
The source dSource or VDB from which you wish to provision
The SCN, or timestamp of the point you want to provision from. You can run these commands to get the list of snapshots or Timeflow ranges:
CODEsnapshot list database=dexample timeflow "dexample" timeflowRanges; commit
The base mountpoint on the target server where VDB data should be mounted
The source repository (oracle install) in which to create the VDB. These can be listed with the
/repository list
Creating the timeflow bookmark
Execute the
timeflow bookmark create
command.CODEdelphix> timeflow bookmark create
Set the timeflow point to be Oracle timeflow point.
CODEdelphix timeflow bookmark create *> set timeflowPoint.type=OracleTimeflowPoint
Set the timeflow point timeflow and location
CODEdelphix timeflow bookmark create *> set timeflowPoint.timeflow=dexample/default delphix timeflow bookmark create *> set timeflowPoint.location=1945519455791
Set the name of the timeflow bookmark
CODEdelphix timeflow bookmark create *> set name=myTimeFlowBookmark
Commit the result
CODEdelphix timeflow bookmark create *> commit TIMEFLOW_BOOKMARK-1
Display the list of timeflow bookmarks
CODEdelphix> timeflow bookmark ls Objects NAME TAG TIMEFLOW myTimeFlowBookmark - dexample/default Operations create
Provisioning from a TimeFlow bookmark
Execute the
database provision
command.CODEdelphix> database provision
and provide container (VDB or dSource) that you will be provisioning fromCODEdelphix database provision > defaults delphix database provision defaults > set container=<VDB or dSource> delphix database provision defaults > commit
Set the timeflowPointParameters type to be TimeflowBookmark.
CODEdelphix database provision *> set timeflowPointParameters.type=TimeflowPointBookmark
Set the timeflow bookmark.
CODEdatabase provision *> set timeflowPointParameters.bookmark=myTimeFlowBookmark
Set the name and group for the new VDB.
CODEdelphix database provision *> set delphix database provision *> set"Untitled"
Set the base mountpoint
CODEdelphix database provision *> set source.mountBase=/mnt
Set the source config type to be single instance Oracle, and set the database name and database unique name.
CODEdelphix database provision *> set sourceConfig.type=OracleSIConfig delphix database provision *> set sourceConfig.databaseName=vexample delphix database provision *> set sourceConfig.uniqueName=vexample123
Set the instance name and number.
CODEdelphix database provision *> edit sourceConfig.instance delphix database provision sourceConfig.instance *> set instanceNumber=1 delphix database provision sourceConfig.instance *> set instanceName=vexample delphix database provision sourceConfig.instance *> back
Set the target repository.
CODEdelphix database provision *> set sourceConfig.repository=env/'/opt/oracle'
Commit the result.
CODEdelphix database provision *> commit