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CLI cookbook: how to create or edit a privilege elevation profile and profile scripts


If you are running a version prior to 6.0.0 please contact your Professional Services representative.

Procedure for creating an elevation profile:

  1. Log into the CLI using delphix_admin or a user with Admin privileges and got to 'Host'.

    ssh admin@yourengine
    yourengine > host
  2. Select privilegeElevation then profile. 

    yourengine host > privilegeElevation
    yourengine host privilegeElevation > profile
  3. Set the name of the profile and the version of the profile.

    yourengine host privilegeElevation profile *> set name=<profilename>
    yourengine host privilegeElevation profile *> set version=<profileversion>
  4. Commit the profile to save it.

    yourengine host privilegeElevation profile *> commit

Procedure for creating a profileScript

Please note that you will need to create the script yourself or with the help of the Professional Services team.

  1. Log into the CLI using delphix_admin or a user with Admin privileges and got to 'Host'.

    ssh delphix_admin@yourengine
    yourengine > host
  2. Select privilegeElevation then profileScript. 

    yourengine host > privilegeElevation
    yourengine host privilegeElevation > profileScript
  3. Create your script by setting, name, contents, and profile (this can be your previously created profile or the default sudo).

    yourengine host privilegeElevation profileScript > create
    yourengine host privilegeElevation profileScript *> set name=<scriptname>
    yourengine host privilegeElevation profileScript *> set contents=<your script>
    yourengine host privilegeElevation profileScript *> set profile=<yourprofile>
  4. Commit to save.

    yourengine host privilegeElevation profileScript *> commit
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