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Containers with multiple owners

Delphix Self-Service administrators can designate multiple users as owners of a single data container. These users all share access to the same data container which means actions taken by one user will impact all users on the same data container. For example, if User A activates Branch X, User B will also see Branch X as the active branch. This ability to for one user's actions to impact another user on the same containers creates new concerns for users sharing the same container. As a result, more processes should be put into place in order to coordinate usage between users. Each team is different, but strategies include:

  • designating a person to perform certain data operations

  • saving your work with a bookmark or creating / working on a personal branch

  • being aware of who is using your data container / data before performing operations

  • locking a container to prevent others from performing any operations on it

How many owners should a container ideally be shared between?

There is no technical limit built into the software, but it is best if a team of 5-10 users shares a single data container. In most cases, having fewer owners minimizes overhead and conflicting usage. One owner per container provides maximum productivity and minimal overhead, so this feature should only be used if your infrastructure or processes require that multiple users share a container. Additionally, Jet Stream Only users currently cannot see other users with whom they share the container.

How should users handle potentially disruptive operations?

If one user performs an operation on a data container, it will affect the other owners of that container. Additionally, each user has permission to perform the same operations on the data container; currently there are no fine-granularity permissions that limit the operations a user can perform. All operations are potentially disruptive, but the level of disruption varies by operation. If any of the following operations are performed at the same time, the second operation will fail due to a conflict when processing the job.

Conflicting operations

  • Refresh

  • Restore

  • Reset

  • Enable/Disable

  • Create Branch

  • Activate Branch

  • Delete Branch

  • Create Bookmark

  • Delete Bookmark

If User A performs a destructive operation while User B is "using" the data container, the operation will destroy User B’s current state. Currently, the interface does not provide insight into whether the data container is in use by another user.

Destructive operations

  • Refresh

  • Restore

  • Reset

  • Enable/Disable

  • Create Branch

  • Activate Branch

Deleting objects

All owners can delete any bookmarks or branches in the container, regardless of who created them.

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