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Couchbase dSource creation via CLI

To create a dSource via CLI, you must first add a source configuration. For more information, see the Couchbase SourceConfig operations page.

To create a dSource and perform operations via CLI, login to the Delphix Continuous Data Engine using the admin user account, as exemplified below.

Setting default linking parameters

Run the below commands to set the default linking parameters. The below example uses a testscfg source config.

> database link
> set type=LinkParameters
> set linkData.type=AppDataStagedLinkData 
> set name=testds
> set group=Untitled
> set linkData.config=testscfg
> set linkData.environmentUser=rh74-cbase/delphix_os
> set linkData.stagingEnvironment=rh74-cbase
> set linkData.stagingEnvironmentUser=rh74-cbase/delphix_os
> set linkData.syncParameters.parameters={\"resync\":true}

Run the below commands to link parameters for the XDCR ingestion type.

> set linkData.parameters="{ \
\"dSourceType\":\"XDCR\", \
\"couchbaseHost\":\"\", \
\"couchbasePort\":8091, \
\"couchbaseBakLoc\":\"\", \
\"couchbaseBakRepo\":\"\", \
\"mountPath\":\"/mnt/provision/testds\", \
\"stgClusterName\":\"dlpx_staging_cluster\", \
\"clusterRAMSize\":2000, \
\"clusterIndexRAMSize\":256, \
\"clusterFTSRAMSize\":256, \
\"clusterEventingRAMSize\":256, \
\"clusterAnalyticsRAMSize\":1024, \
\"bucketEvictionPolicy\":\"valueOnly\", \
\"bucketSize\":0, \
\"couchbaseAdmin\":\"Administrator\", \
\"couchbaseAdminPassword\":\"delphix\", \
\"xdcrAdmin\": \"Administrator\", \
\"xdcrAdminPassword\":\"\", \
\"fts_service\":false, \
\"eventing_service\":false, \
\"analytics_service\":true, \

Run the below commands to link parameters for the Couchbase Backup Manager ingestion type.

> set linkData.parameters="{ \
\"dSourceType\":\"Couchbase Backup Manager\", \
\"couchbaseHost\":\"\", \
\"couchbasePort\":8091, \
\"couchbaseBakLoc\":\"/home/delphix_os/backups\", \
\"couchbaseBakRepo\":\"delphix_backup_repo\", \
\"mountPath\":\"/mnt/provision/testds\", \
\"stgClusterName\":\"dlpx_staging_cluster\", \
\"clusterRAMSize\":2000, \
\"clusterIndexRAMSize\":256, \
\"clusterFTSRAMSize\":256, \
\"clusterEventingRAMSize\":256, \
\"clusterAnalyticsRAMSize\":1024, \
\"bucketEvictionPolicy\":\"valueOnly\", \
\"bucketSize\":0, \
\"couchbaseAdmin\":\"Administrator\", \
\"couchbaseAdminPassword\":\"delphix\", \
\"xdcrAdmin\": \"Administrator\", \
\"xdcrAdminPassword\":\"\", \
\"fts_service\":false, \
\"eventing_service\":false, \
\"analytics_service\":true, \
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