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Export an Oracle non-multitenant or a PDB snapshot to a physical ASM or Exadata database


This article describes how to perform an export on a snapshot or a timeflow-point belonging to a non-multitenant database or a pluggable database to create a physical database stored on Oracle Automatic Storage Management (ASM) disk groups. No intermediate storage is needed; a temporary virtual database or virtual pluggable database is provisioned and the database files are moved directly from Delphix into the ASM diskgroup(s).

This procedure can be used to export snapshots of an Oracle non-multitenant dSource or a VDB. It can also be used to export snapshots of a PDB dSource or a vPDB to a pluggable database in a linked CDB. The physical database is created on ASM disk group(s), including disk group(s) residing in an Oracle Exadata machine. The procedure follows Oracle's recommended best practice of using a single disk group for data files. A separate disk group can be specified for redo log files.

This procedure can be performed using the CLI only and applies to all Oracle RDBMS Versions supported by Delphix. For CLI commands, refer to the CLI cookbook: export a snapshot or a timeflow point of a non-multitenant Oracle database to ASM and the CLI cookbook: export a snapshot or a timeflow point of a multitenant pluggable Oracle database to ASM articles.

Furthermore, it is also fully supported with TDE-enabled databases.


  1. Oracle Managed Files (OMF) must be enabled on the VDB or vPDB.

  2. Sufficient storage space must be available in the target ASM diskgroup for datafiles, tempfiles and the target ASM diskgroup for online logs, if specified.

  3. While exporting from a PDB snapshot, the new PDB name:

    1. must meet all the naming constraints as defined in the Oracle documentation.

    2. must be different from the existing PDBs in the target CDB.

  4. While exporting a non-multitenant snapshot, the new database unique name:

    1. must meet all the naming constraints as defined in the Oracle documentation.

    2. must be different from the database unique name of any other database on the same host.

    3. must be different from the database unique name of any RAC database which has a node on this host even if the node is down.

  5. Offline tablespaces can exist; however, offline datafiles must not exist in an online tablespace.

  6. Export of a non-multitenant snapshot(or point-in-time) in a RAC environment must be performed as the Oracle software owner user account, otherwise the export will fail. This is required because Delphix issues srvctl commands to configure the resulting physical database in RAC and these commands can only be run with Oracle software owner user account privileges.

  7. When running export of a non-multitenant or an multitenant snapshot in a RAC environment, ensure that the states of all the cluster nodes are displayed as Enabled in the Delphix management GUI.


  1. Delphix provisions a temporary virtual database/pluggable database, from the provided snapshot or timeflow point, which would be converted in-place to a physical database.

  2. Delphix takes a new snapshot of the temporary virtual database/pluggable database before starting export.

  3. The virtual database/pluggable database is converted in-place to a physical database on ASM. The temporary virtual source is then deleted.

  4. Please refer to the appropriate CLI cookbook sections for the procedure to export a non-multitenant database snapshot or export a pluggable database snapshot to a physical ASM or Exadata database.

Performance considerations before running the export

  1. When deciding the number of RMAN channels to use, there are tradeoffs between speed and resource consumption on the host.

  2. The number of RMAN channels should not be more than the number of datafiles.

  3. Similar to selecting the number of RMAN channels to perform backup, if impact to other databases is not a concern, then setting the number of channels should be increased to the point of diminished returns. Otherwise it is a compromise between what the system can handle and how fast we want the export to finish.

  4. By default it is set to 8, but this value might be too large for some environments and should be adjusted down appropriately.

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