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GUI security


The sections in this article cover securing the Delphix GUI, which is similar to securing other web consoles. Some of these solutions include reducing the session timeout threshold, creating a signed certificate, and disabling HTTP access.

Reduce inactive session timeout to 15 minutes

This means that a user will be booted from the session after 15 minutes of inactivity. This is done with a CLI command on a per-user basis by modifying the sessionTimeout property of the User object, as shown below. The default inactive timeout happens after 30 minutes.

CODE>  cd  user user> select delphix_admin user 'delphix_admin'> update user 'delphix_admin' update *> set sessionTimeout=15 user 'delphix_admin' update *> commit

Use a URL from your domain and create a signed certificate

Do not use IP Addresses to access the Delphix Engine. Create a hostname and DNS entry, such as “”. Delphix Support can assist in converting the engine from a self-signed certificate to a signed certificate that maps to your domain name. Please file a Support ticket to proceed.

Disable HTTP access

Disabling HTTP or configuring HTTP to redirect connections to HTTPS is recommended to protect in-flight user credentials and connections with the engine. This can be done via the command line or through the GUI.

JavaScript errors detected

Please note, these errors can depend on your browser setup.

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