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IBM Db2 advanced configuration

This topic provides details on customizing IBM Db2 connector logging and controlling supported dataset configurations. You can modify the following parameters at any stage of the dataset lifecycle. The IBM Db2 connector will ignore values for a parameter if the values do not fit the description below and will continue the operation with the default set of values for that particular parameter.

Configuration parameters for connector versions 4.x and later

Parameter Value



Sets the permission for the "mnts" directory located under the /<toolkit_path>/DB2/ and for the logs directory located under <toolkit path>/Delphix_COMMON_<long id>/plugin/DB2_18f4ff11-b758-4bf2-9a37-719a22f5a4b8/logs/.

The value is set to True, if the primary group of the primary environment user (user which is used to do discovery) is shared with the instance user otherwise it is set to False.

Once the necessary changes are made, refresh the environment in order to apply the changes.

Default Value: True


IBM Db2 connector restricts the provisioning of a VDB on a DB2 instance which contains a database with the same name as the VDB's source database

For example:

  • When provisioning a VDB from a VDB then the latter is treated as the source database.

  • When provisioning a VDB from a dSource then the staging database representing the dSource is treated as the source database.

If the user wants to provision a VDB on an instance which contains a database with the same name as the VDB's source database, then the parameter allowSourceDbOnSameInstance must be set to true. 

Default value: False


Db2 DPF connector performs restoration of all non-catalog partitions in parallel.
The parameter restorePipelineLimit allows the user to configure the number of partitions that could be restored in parallel by the connector. The valid value for this field is any positive integer.

Default value: 10


This option allows the user to set the connector to skip the validation process of end user supplied archive logs and perform a partial validation.To be able to use this functionality, the parameter value must be set to True.

Default value: False


Sets the connector debug log levels.

Default value: INFO


Sets the maximum connector log file size in MB.

Default value: 1


Sets the maximum number of connector log files.

Default value: 2

Connector Config file

After adding the environment to Delphix Continuous Data Engine, you can find the connector configuration file, db2_plugin.conf on the remote environment. It is typically located at the following  specified path:

<toolkit path>/Delphix_COMMON_<long id>/plugin/DB2_18f4ff11-b758-4bf2-9a37-719a22f5a4b8/db2_plugin.conf

This file is divided into 2 sections - “plugin_custom_parameters” and “plugin_logging_parameters”.

# Sample of file db2_plugin.conf
# The parameters must not be left padded with spaces. The plugin will otherwise not accept the specified parameter
# values and will use the default values.

# If the user has not shared a common group between primary environment user and instance user.
# Then the user needs to set parameter usersHaveCommonGroup as False.


# During provision operations the plugin checks if the target instance contains a database name which is identical to
# the source DB name from which the VDB is to be created. By default the plugin will never allow creating a VDB on the
# instance where the source database already exists, or on any instance that has a database with the same name. If the
# users still want to create a VDB on an instance which contains a database with the same name as the source DB then
# they need to set parameter allowSourceDbOnSameInstance as True.


# If the users want to control the number of parallel restores then they can tune the parameter restorePipelineLimit.
# By default the value of this parameter would be 10.


# The archive logs validation process can be skipped if the end user so chooses. Instead, a speedier technique can be used,
# in which the archive logs are only validated for the first and last logs and the file sequences in between are confirmed.


# This flag will set the debug level of plugin logs on the remote server (both staging and target). There are two levels:
# Info
# Debug
# The above are the only valid values that can be assigned. If any other value is assigned, the plugin will set the
# default level as Info. the string is case insensitive so info, Info and INFO are acceptable.


# This parameter will set the maximum size of the active log file in MB. Once this limit is reached, the plugin will
# rotate the log as per the retention property defined below. The minimum value of this parameter is 1 MB and maximum
# value is 10 MB. This parameter only takes in a positive integer value. The default value is 1 MB
# logFileSize=<positive integer>


# Whenever the size of <DB Name>.diag.log file exceeds the value provided by logFileSize parameter then the plugin will
# rename the active log file to <DB Name>.diag.log.<number> and a new log file with name <DB Name>.diag.log will be
# generated. For example, if LogRetention is set to 4, the plugin will have the following log files: <DB Name>.diag.log,
# <DB Name>.diag.log.1, <DB Name>.diag.log.2, <DB Name>.diag.log.3, <DB Name>.diag.log.4.
# File <DB Name>.diag.log.4 will be the oldest one.
# File <DB Name>.diag.log.1 will be the most recent archive log file.
# File <DB Name>.diag.log will be the active log file.
# The minimum and default value for retention flag is 2.
# retention=<positive integer>

Please adhere to the configuration parameters provided above. Adding unknown parameters in this file could result in workflow errors.

Configuration parameters for connector versions 3.x and prior

The advanced config file is named advanceConfFlag.conf and is created under the <Toolkit directory> during discovery or environment refresh operation if the file does not pre-exist already. This file will have the following configurable parameters:

Parameter Value



Sets the permission for the "mnts", "logs" and "code" directory located under the /<toolkit_path>/DB2/.

The value is set to True, if the primary group of the primary environment user (user which is used to do discovery) is shared with the instance user otherwise it is set to False.

Once the necessary changes are made, refresh the environment in order to apply the changes.

Default Value: True

By default, the notCommonGroupFlag parameter is commented out in the file. This means that the connector implicitly assumes its value as false. 


DB2 connector restricts the provisioning of a VDB on a DB2 instance which contains a database with the same name as the VDB's source database

For example:

  • When provisioning a VDB from a VDB then the latter is treated as the source database.

  • When provisioning a VDB from a dSource then the staging database representing the dSource is treated as the source database.

If the user wants to provision a VDB on an instance which contains a database with the same name as the VDB's source database, then the parameter allowSourceDbOnSameInstance must be set to true. 

Default value: False


Db2 DPF connector performs restoration of all non-catalog partitions in parallel.
The parameter restorePipelineLimit allows the user to configure the number of partitions that could be restored in parallel by the connector. The valid value for this field is any positive integer.

Default value: 10

Connector Config file 

After adding the environment to Delphix Continuous Data Engine, you can find the connector configuration file, advanceConfFlag.conf on the remote environment. It is typically located at the following  specified path: 

<toolkit path>/advanceConfFlag.conf

Sample config file

# If the user is not sharing a common group between primary environment user and instance user.
# Then the user needs to set parameter notCommonGroupFlag as true.
# notCommonGroupFlag=true

# During provision operation check if instance contains a database name which is identical to the source DB name  used for provisioning operation.
# By default plugin will never allow creating a VDB on the instance where source database (or other database which is identical in name with source DB) already exists.
# If the user still wants to create a VDB on the instance which contains a database name which is identical to the source DB name used for provisioning operation,
# then the user needs to set parameter allowSourceDBonSameInst as true.
# allowSourceDBonSameInst=true

# Limit for parallel restores
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