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Linking using Staging Push mode

In Staging Push Mode, Delphix creates a seed (empty) staging database. Customer users will be responsible for manually ingesting data into this staging database. All other management operations can be performed through Delphix. A snapshot can be taken either manually or via a SnapSync policy once the data is restored into the seed staging database.


While ingesting the data for Staging Push, make sure to ingest the data on the MySQL instance which has been created as a part of dSource creation.


  • Staging environment must be added to Delphix.

  • A Source Config must be created on the staging environment-MySQL repository.

This is recommended to reduce the possibility of errors while restoring the backup from the source database.


It may take upto 5 minutes after successful dSource creation for the status to show as Active.

Creating dSource

  1. Login to Delphix Management application.

  2. Click Manage > Datasets.

  3. Select Add dSource.

  4. In the Add dSource wizard, select the MySQL source configuration which is created on the staging host.

  5. Select Staging Push from the dSource Type dropdown.

  6. Provide the additional details required for dsource creation

    1. Staging DB Server ID
      Server ID for the dsource stagingdatabase.

    2. Staging DB Port
      Port for the dSource (stagingdatabase). This port should not be used by any other application or MySQL server

    3. Staging Initialization Password
      Password to use while initializing the dSource (stagingdatabase). This password will be assigned to the root'@'localhost. We need to provide Password of the root user over source at the time of backup initiation. While Linking using the Staging Push Mode, Delphix does not connect to the source db. Source root user password will be inherited for this instance once the data ingestion starts onto the staging instance.

    4. MySQL Base Directory MySQL installation directory. This generally has location of /bin/mysql

    5. Mount Location on Staging Host This is the mount directory for Delphix on the staging host. This location should be unique and empty.

    6. Source DB UserName
      Delphixdatabase user on the source database. In Staging Push mode, Delphix does not connect to the sourcedatabase. Delphix will be using thisdatabase user to manage the dSource and other time travel operations. This user must be part of the sourcedatabase backup that will be restored into the stagingdatabase. Plugin will also attempt to create this user on the staging database and provide the necessary permissions.

    7. Source DB Password
      Password for the sourcedatabase user.

  7. On dSource Configuration screen, select the dataset group where the dSource will be placed and click Next.

  8. On the Data Management screen, select the staging environment and the environment user and click Next.

  9. On the Policies screen, select the Snapsync and Retention policies for the dSource and click Next.

  10. On the Hooks screen, add any pre-sync and (or) post-sync hooks as required and click Next.

  11. Review the dSource configuration on the Summary screen and Submit. The Linking process has commenced.

Once the dSource creation is successful, the Timeflow tab should show the initial snapshot.

Done, what's next?

You have created a MySQL dSource. Next step - Provision a VDB.

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