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Remote logging

Remote Logging for EBS 12.2 Plugin adds the following options to provide enhanced logging:

  • set debug log levels

  • set active log file size

  • set log retention levels

You can modify the parameters defined in the ebs_plugin.conf file located in remote target host at <Toolkit directory>/<Delphix_COMMON>/plugin/ebs122-vsdk-db_9f7f5a63-1da7-495c-80df-e0fa61941342/ebs_plugin.conf for DbTechStack and <Toolkit directory>/<Delphix_COMMON>/plugin/ebs122-vsdk-app_403e7034-0028-4200-ad0b-15031f0f8871/ebs_plugin.conf for appsTier to configure the logging mechanism.

Setting log levels (level)

You can set log levels for plugin-generated logs by setting the parameter level in the ebs_plugin.conf file. Higher logging levels will help to expedite debugging issues. There are two levels of logging: info and debug. Kindly make sure section header [plugin_logging_parameters] is there in ebs_plugin.conf file

Log level description

  • level=INFO: This level will print only informational logs. This is the default log level.

  • level=DEBUG: This level will print informational logs and debug statements.

Setting maximum size of active log file (logFileSize)

You can set this parameter inside the ebs_plugin.conf file to set the maximum size of the active log file in MB. Once this limit is reached, the plugin rotates the log as per the retention property defined below. The minimum value of this parameter is 1 MB and the maximum value is 10 MB. This parameter only takes in a positive integer value. The default value is 1 MB.

Setting log retention levels (retention)

You can set a retention level for diag logs (diag.log) using parameter retention in the ebs_plugin.conf file. As per this parameter, the log files are moved (archived), renamed, or deleted once they reach the value set in the logFileSize parameter. New incoming log data is directed into a new fresh file (at the same location).

By default, this value will be set to a minimum value of 2. The user can change this value and set its value within the range 2 and 50. For example; if retention is set to 4, the plugin will have the following log files: diag.log, diag.log.1, diag.log.2, diag.log.3, diag.log.4.

  • File diag.log is the active log file.

  • File diag.log.1 is the most recent archive log file

  • File diag.log.4 is the oldest one

ebs_plugin.conf file

# This flag will set the debug level of plugin logs on the remote server. There are two levels:
# Info
# Debug
# The above are the only valid values that can be assigned. If any other value is assigned, the plugin will set the
# default level as Info. the string is case insensitive so info, Info and INFO are acceptable.


# This parameter will set the maximum size of the active log file in MB. Once this limit is reached, the plugin will
# rotate the log as per the retention property defined below. The minimum value of this parameter is 1 MB and maximum
# value is 10 MB. This parameter only takes in a positive integer value. The default value is 1 MB
# logFileSize=<positive integer>


# Whenever the size of diag.log file exceeds the value provided by logFileSize parameter then the plugin will
# rename the active log file to diag.log.<number> and a new log file with name diag.log will be
# generated. For example, if LogRetention is set to 4, the plugin will have the following log files: diag.log,
# diag.log.1, diag.log.2, diag.log.3, diag.log.4.
# File diag.log.4 will be the oldest one.
# File diag.log.1 will be the most recent archive log file.
# File diag.log will be the active log file.
# The minimum and default value for retention flag is 2.
# retention=<positive integer>

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