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Staging Push LogSync


Staging Push LogSync processes the archive logs available at the mounted archive file system on the staging host. Once the archived logs are processed, log ranges will appear on the snapshots which can be used for the point-in-time or SCN based provisioning from the Staging Push dSource snapshots.
The archived logs should be placed in the mounted archive file system by configuring the archive destination (e.g. “log_archive_dest_1”) to the mounted dSource archive directory on the staging host.

  • For a non-standby database - Restore the archived logs on the mounted archive directory.

  • For a standby database - Configure the archive destination to the mounted ‘archive’ directory for the archived logs to be generated in this directory.

The archive filesystem is mounted to the following directories on the staging host:

For Non Multi Tenant Databases:

  • MOUNT_BASE/<Database_Unique_Name>/archive

For Multi Tenant Databases:

  • MOUNT_BASE/<CDB_Unique_Name>/archive

Enable/Disable LogSync

You can enable LogSync from the Data Management screen by selecting the LogSync checkbox during the Staging Push dSource creation.

Once dSource is created, LogSync can be enabled/disabled from the Data Management screen under the Configuration tab by clicking on the pencil icon next to LogSync and then selecting/unselecting the LogSync checkbox.


Staging Push LogSync operation runs every 5 minutes and consists of the following steps:

  • Process the archived logs only if at least one staging push dSource snapshot exists.

  • Read and process all the new archived log files available in the mounted archive file system after the last LogSync.

  • Delete invalid archive log files. Online redo logs and SRLs are not processed and will be deleted.

PreLogSync Hook

PreLogSync hook can be used to switch the logs on the primary database in case of a standby staging push setup. It runs after the snapshot is successfully taken but before the post-sync hook.

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