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V2P with a SQL Server VDB

This topic describes how to perform the Virtual to Physical (V2P) process with a SQL Server virtual database (VDB).


  1. Log into the Delphix Management application.

  2. Click Manage and select Datasets.

  3. Select the dSource or VDB you want to export.

  4. Select the snapshot of the dSource or VDB state you want to export.

  5. If you want to export the state of the database from a specific point in time, select the LogSync icon and then select the point in time from which you want to create the export.

  6. From the actions menu (...) select Virtual to Physical.

  7. Select the target environment.

  8. Enter the Target  Directory for the export. The target environment should have been added to Delphix previously and should meet all target host requirements, see Overview of Requirements for SQL Server Environments for more information on user requirements for target environments.
    The target directory you enter here must exist in the target environment and the Delphix operating system user listed under the environment must have permission to write to it.

  9. Select the checkbox to enable or disable the option Open database after Recovery.
    If you select to disable this option, you can use the scripts that are created in the target environment to manually recover the database at a later time. See Manually Recovering a Database after V2P for more information.

  10. Click Show Advanced to customize the target directory layout or to enable Change Data Capture (CDC) on the exported database. See Customizing Target Directory Structure for Database Export for more information.

  11. Click Next.

  12. Select whether you want to have an email sent to you when the export process completes, and then click Submit.


If you have selected disable for Open database after Recovery, then follow the instructions in Manually Recovering a Database after V2P to complete the V2P process.

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