Yugabyte support matrix
Platform vs database vs connector compatibility
Refer to the below support matrix to ensure compatibility between the platform, database, connector, and Delphix Continuous Data Engine version.
Color | Supported? |
Y | Yes |
N | No |
OS and database compatibility
Supported OS Version | Supported DBMS Versions | |
Yugabyte 2.18.x | Yugabyte 2.20.x | |
CentOS 7.6 | Y | Y |
Windows | N | N |
Delphix Continuous Data Engine and connector compatibility
Delphix Engine Versions | Supported Yugabyte Connector Versions |
version 1.0.0 | | | Y |
Database and Connector compatibility
Yugabyte Version | Supported Yugabyte Connector Versions |
version 1.0.0 | |
Yugabyte 2.18.x | Y |
Yugabyte 2.20.x | Y |
Requirements for source databases
There are no specific requirements for the source database, as the connector does not establish a connection with it.
Requirements for staging/target databases
The staging and target environments have the same set of requirements for YugabyteDB.
V2P is not supported.
Point-in-time recovery is not supported. Provision/refresh/rewind time is based on snapshot only.