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Validating host deployment with host Checker


Delphix has developed a hostchecker script that contains standardized checks for source and target hosts - these checks generally fall into three buckets:

  • OS and Host permissions/access

  • Network Port Checks

  • DB-specific functionality

OS and Host permissions/access and network port checks can (and should) be performed prior to Delphix installation to ensure a smooth deployment.

Each DB should have a specifically associated hostchecker, there is detailed documentation on the DB-specific hostchecker page.


  1. Download the appropriate HostChecker tarball for the engine from Tarballs follow the naming convention "hostchecker_<OS>_<processor>.tar". For example, if validating a linux x86 host, download the hostchecker_linux_x86.tar tarball. 

  2. Create a working directory and extract the HostChecker files from the HostChecker tarball

    mkdir dlpx-host-checker
    cd dlpx-host-checker/
    tar -xf hostchecker_linux_x86.tar

  3. Run the shscript contained within:


    This will extract the JDK included in the tarball (if necessary) and invoke the HostChecker.

    ora10205@bbdhcp:/home/ora10205/hostchecker-> sh
    Extracting the JDK from the tarball jdk-6u45-linux-i586.tar.gz.

    Do not run the HostChecker as root; this will cause misleading or incorrect results from many of the checks.

  4. Select which checks to run. Note that it is possible to run checks without spawning the interface. Enter --help to get a list of arguments that can pass to the HostChecker.

  5. As the checks are made, enter the requested arguments.

  6. Read the output of the check. The general format is that severity increases farther down the output. First comes informational output, then warnings, then errors. If you see a message that starts with Internal Error, forward it to Delphix Support immediately. This represents a potential bug in the HostChecker, and not necessarily a problem with your environment.

  7. Error or warning messages will explain any possible problems and how to address them. Resolve the issues that the HostChecker describes. Do not be surprised or undo your work if more errors appear the next time you run HostChecker, because the error you just fixed may have been masking other problems.

  8. Repeat steps 3 - 7 until all the checks return no errors or warnings.

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