An overview of capacity and performance information
This topic describes the Delphix Engine performance reservoir and capacity threshold warnings and various ways to obtain information about capacity and resource usage for the Delphix Server.
The performance reservoir and capacity threshold warnings
In order to obtain the best performance and continued operations, the Delphix Engine requires a certain amount (minimum 512GB) of free space of the total quota for storage space. As storage capacity approaches this threshold, the following system faults occur:
When 85% of the total storage quota is reached or 1536GB of free space is remaining (whichever is less), a Warning fault is triggered. You can resolve this fault by deleting objects in the Delphix Engine, adding storage, or changing policies, as described in the topics Adding, expanding, and removing storage devices, Deleting objects to increase capacity. Additionally, refreshing target databases will clear the space the engine uses to track changes over time for each DB.
Note:When a Warning fault is first raised, it will not impact the functioning of the system. However, there may be an impact to Oracle LogSync and SQL Server Validated sync when a Warning fault is seen as storage usage decreases following a Critical storage usage fault.
When 90% of the total storage quota is reached or 1024GB of free space is remaining (whichever is less), a Critical fault is triggered. You cannot ignore or resolve this fault. This fault will have a significant impact on the system's behavior such as:
All pending link, sync, refresh, and provisioning processes will be canceled, and no new operations can be initiated
Scheduled replication processes will first check for capacity on the target engine and hold data (replication currently in progress to the engine will not be halted)
Policy operations such as SnapSync, snapshot, and refresh are suspended for all databases
dSources stop pulling in new changes. LogSync is suspended for all Oracle dSources. Validated sync is disabled for SQL Server dSources.
No virtual database (VDB) snapshots can be taken.
When 95% of the total storage quota is reached or 512GB of free space is remaining (whichever is less), a second Critical fault is triggered. This fault will have a significant impact on the system's behavior and certain dSources and VDBs will stop in order to maintain data integrity. For example, SQL Server VDBs will shut down.
As the free space of the system improves, the following functionalities can be automatically or manually resumed.
When the system falls below 95% of the total storage quota, you can manually start SQL Server VDBs that had stopped
When the system falls below 90% of the total storage quota:
SQL Server VDBs that had stopped will automatically start
New link, sync, refresh and provisioning operations are allowed
Policy operations such as SnapSync, Snapshot, and Refresh resume for all databases
When the system falls below 85% of the total storage quota
dSources start pulling in new changes from their corresponding data sources. LogSync is resumed for Oracle dSources. Validated sync is enabled for SQL Server dSources.
For more information, see Setting quotas
Ways to view capacity usage
You can access capacity and performance information for the Delphix Engine through several different means, including the Dashboard view, and the Storage Capacity screen.
The dashboard view
You can access the Dashboard view in the Delphix Management application by clicking Dashboard in the Manage menu. Note that the Dashboard view provides only summary information about capacity and performance. You must access the Storage Capacity and Dataset Performance screens in the Resources menu to manage storage space and database objects.
The Dashboard view provides more detailed information about the overall performance of the Delphix Engine:
Storage Capacity - the amount of physical storage available and what is currently used
TimeFlow Ratio - see above
VDB Ratio - a measure of the amount of physical space that would be occupied by the database content against the amount of storage occupied by that same database content as VDBs.
Dataset Performance - the amount of network bandwidth available and the amount that VDBs are currently utilizing, as well as information about specific VDB network usage
The storage capacity screen
You can access the Storage Capacity screen through the Resources menu in the Delphix Management application. The Storage Capacity screen now has an improved format the interface makes it easier to identify which datasets are consuming the most space on your Delphix Engine.
Major additions in 6.0.6:
Users can now see what’s pinning a held space and batch delete the dependencies to free it up.
What’s changed 6.0.6:
Snapshot Delete dialog now shows a tree of “prerequisites” and “dependencies” that must have operations performed on them / be deleted in order to enable the deletion of the locked root snapshot.
The Snapshot Delete dialog now automates the steps.
Held Space shown in the table now represents deadbeat Timeflows rather than Containers
For more information please refer to Using and understanding the storage capacity screen