Discovering PostgreSQL installations
Discovery is a process that allows the PostgreSQL connector to gather information about the PostgreSQL installation details in an environment. The database’s discovery typically occurs as part of the initial environment setup process.
During the discovery process, PostgreSQL connector performs the following steps:
Identifies the installations from the running PostgreSQL instances on the host.
Identifies the installations provided by the user via the environment variable DELPHIX_PG_PATH. Check the below contents to know more about setting the DELPHIX_PG_PATH variable.
If the DELPHIX_PG_PATH is not set, then the connector does a brute-force search for installations in the following directories: /var, /opt, and /usr.
To optimize performance, it is recommended to create the environment variable DELPHIX_PG_PATH. The variable must be available to the environment user in a non-interactive way. You can test this variable for non-interactive logins using:
ssh <environment_user>@<host_ip> "env | grep DELPHIX_PG_PATH"
The following syntax should be used for the DELPHIX_PG_PATH environment variable:
For example:
/u02/edb/as9.6/bin:/opt/edb/as9.6/data; /u05/pgsql-9.6/bin:/tmp/TESTING/data;"
Whenever there is any modification, such as installing a new database home, to an environment, it is necessary to perform an environment refresh operation.