Requirements for Oracle EBS source data sources
Requirements for Source DBTechstack
This topic outlines the requirements for the Oracle EBS source.
The Delphix Continuous Data Engine supports linking a variety of versions and configurations of Oracle E-Business Suite R12.2. Below, detailed compatibility notes are outlined.
Note: The Delphix Continuous Data Engine does not provide support for linking an EBS R12.2 instance utilizing custom context variables maintained in the EBS context file.
Source DBTechstack requirements:
Source environment requirement | Explanation |
Database open_mode | The source site must be in READ_WRITE (or) READ ONLY (or) READ ONLY WITH APPLY mode. |
ETCC patch level | ETCC patch level should be the latest one. |
Permission to run ps, nfso, netstat and lsof on AIX, solaris, and Linux hosts, as super-user. This permission is usually granted via sudo authorization of the commands. | See the topic Sudo Privilege Requirements for Oracle Environments for further explanation of this requirement, and Sudo File Configuration Examples for Oracle Environments for examples of file configurations |
Host requirement | Explanation |
Profile and privileges must be the same as the Oracle user (e.g. oracle) on the host. | For example, delphix_os should have the same environment variable settings ($PATH, $ORACLE_HOME, etc.), umask, and ulimit settings, as the user oracle. |
The Delphix software owner account (e.g. delphix_os) must have the same primary OS group as the Oracle software owner account (e.g. oracle). | Delphix recommends giving the delphix_os user the same primary OS group as the Oracle home owner. More info can be found in the Oracle EBS Glossary. |
The delphix_os user must have the Oracle OSDBA group (typically dba) as a primary or secondary OS group. | The OSDBA group allows "OS authentication" when connecting to an Oracle database instance by specifying neither username or password (i.e. rman target /), thus eliminating the need to store or retrieve an SYSDBA password. For more info on delphix_os user, check Oracle EBS Glossary |
For secondary group requirements, the Delphix OS user must be a member of the SYSBACKUP OS group (12.1 or higher) or the SYSDBA OS group (11.2 and lower). | This ensures that the Delphix engine is able to take snapshots of source databases using RMAN. |
There must be a directory on the source host where the Delphix Engine Toolkit can be installed, for example: /var/opt/delphix/toolkit | The delphix_os user and primary OS group (i.e. oinstall) must own the directory. For more info on delphix_os user, check Oracle EBS Glossary |
The Delphix Engine must be able to make an SSH connection to the source host (typically port 22). | |
Read access to $ORACLE_HOME and all underlying files and directories. | Delphix needs to run rsync to ingest the ORACLE_HOME in the Continuous data engine. |
For successful linking of DBTechstack from the standby site, Make sure following points are followed:
Source environment requirement | Explanation |
If Source is physical standby database | Source database must be in READ ONLY/ READ ONLY WITH APPLY mode. Even during subsequent snapsync operations, you have to make sure that the standby database container & its PDB is in READ ONLY / READ ONLY WITH APPLY mode. |
Source PDB services status | The source PDB must be in READ ONLY mode. The two default EBS PDB services ebs_<PDBname>, <PDBname>_ebs_patch must be in READY STATE. |
The Oracle database is ingested using Continuous Data engine’s native functionality, So refer oracle database requirement guidelines as below:
Requirements for Source AppsTier
Supported Oracle EBS AppsTier set-ups
AppsTier topology | Support |
Single-node AppsTier | Supported |
Multi-node AppsTier (SHARED APPL_TOP, NON-SHARED APPL_TOP) | Supported |
Source AppsTier requirement | Explanation |
Source weblogic Adminserver must be UP & running before taking snapshot | To stage source AppsTier, utility is called which has a requirement that adminserver should be up & running. |
Permission to run:
| The following permissions are usually granted via sudo authorization of the commands. See Sudo Privilege Requirements for Oracle Environments for further explanation of the commands, and Sudo File Configuration Examples for Oracle Environments for examples of the /etc/sudoers file on different operating systems. |