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Environment management


In Delphix Continuous Data’s architecture model, an environment is a single instance host or cluster of hosts that run database software. For example, a Linux system running PostgreSQL. Environments can either be a source (where data comes from), staging (where data is prepared/masked), or target (where data is delivered and used by developers and testers). To identify which environments are needed and how many, you must understand the general architecture documentation and the connector’s supported ingestion models. 

Each environment has its own properties and information depending on its source, staging, and target environment type and the dataset it will support. In this section, you can learn general the requirements to configure an environment, how to add them to Delphix Continuous Data, and discover the environment dataset’s binaries. If there is a configuration specific to certain connectors, it will be called out.

Environment configuration requirements

The following list outlines the requirements of an environment, such as name, host address, network requirements, or Delphix Toolkit path, to ensure a valid connection with Delphix Continuous Data. During the environment creation process, we recommend using this list as a guide along with the data source connector’s specific environment requirements. These environments must be created before any configuration is performed within Delphix Continuous Data. Follow the other Environment Management sections for additional information on each of these requirements. In addition, please take note of the Operating System specific environment differences.



Environment Name

A unique, custom label to identify the environment within Delphix Continuous Data. This should be a user-friendly label to uniquely identify the environment.

Host Address

The fully qualified domain name (FQDN) or IP address for the environment.

Network Requirements

Communication between Delphix Continuous Data and environments occurs through various TCP and UDP which requires various ports to be open and available. Ports must be made available on the engine and the environment.

Connector Specific: Many connectors require additional Ports to be opened to communicate with the database. Please consult your data source’s connector for additional networking information.

Unix/Linux: Configuration requires specification of the Secure Shell Protocol (SSH) port. By default, Delphix Continuous Data Engine will use port 22.

Windows: Configuration requires the installation of the Delphix Connector on the target environment which is made available to the source or staging environments. Consult the Delphix Connector documentation (LINK)  for more information.

Environment User(s)

The operating system (OS) user(s) for the environment. These are the users who have permission to ssh into an environment (Unix-based environments) or access the environment through the Delphix Connector (Windows-based environments). Multiple authentication methods are supported, such as Username/Password, Public Key, and Password Vault.

Privilege elevation can also be configured in this phase.

Delphix Toolkit path (link to section in requirements area)

Unix/Linux: Location to install the Delphix Toolkit on the environment. <Link to glossary>

Windows: This will be specified during the installation of the Delphix Connector.

Java Development Kit


Each environment requires a JDK to communicate with Delphix Continuous Data. By default, the engine will provide the Eclipse Adoptium Java via the Delphix Toolkit. If the user would prefer to bring their own Java, follow these directions for details. (link) 

Network File System (NFS) Addresses

Unix/Linux: A list of authorized IP addresses that can mount a Delphix file system persisted by Delphix Storage. Additional IP addresses of the host.

By default, Delphix Continuous Data Engine will automatically use the Host Address parameter above for NFS requests

Windows: N/A

Delphix session protocol (DSP) Configuration


If an environment already exists after enabling server/client DSP authentication, you will need to modify its attributes for environment communication to continue working, you will need to set up the appropriate stores on the remote environment.

Cluster (Optional)

Environments can be defined as part of a cluster. During this phase, the user will define one node of that overall cluster. Some of the above properties change slightly. Consult the data source’s documentation for additional information.

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