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Add CockroachDB database

As noted above, an environment contains repositories that are CockroachDB  installations in the environment. Each environment may have any number of repositories associated with it.

A SourceConfig object defines the configuration of the dSource and is required to create a dSource. You can create any number of SourceConfig objects using a repository, which represents known database instances.

For the CockroachDB plugin, the Source config must be created manually.


Perform the following steps to create the Source Config on the Staging Environment:

  1. Login to the Delphix Management application.

  2. Click Manage.

  3. Select Environments.

  4. Select the repository.

  5. Click on plus( + )icon.

  6. Add required details in the Add database section.

  7. Identity field: Provide unique name for staging database.

  8. Click Add button.


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