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Provisioning unstructured files as vFiles


This topic describes the process of provisioning to a set of unstructured files as vFiles.


Unstructured Files on Cluster Environments

Unstructured files cannot be linked from, or provisioned to, any form of a cluster environment, such as an Oracle RAC environment. To link or provision unstructured files from a host that is part of a cluster, add the host as a standalone environment. Then, link from or provision to this standalone host.

Post provision/migration ownership rules

When a new vFile VDB is provisioned, the ownership is changed to match the Environment User anytime a VDB is enabled. This could cause conflict in the ownership of existing files in a case where the VDB has just been migrated to a new host – the VDB files on the new host will now be owned by the new Environment User.


  1. Login to the Delphix Management application.

  2. Click Manage.

  3.  Select Datasets.  

  4.  Select a  dSource or vFiles.

  5. Click the TimeFlow tab.   

  6. Select a snapshot.

  7. Click Provision. The Provision vFiles panel will open, and the field Mount Path will auto-populate with the path to the files on the source environment.

  8. Select a target environment. If you need to add a new target environment for the vFiles, click the Plus icon next to Filter Targetto add an environment.
    Note: You can only target a Unix environment when provisioning from a Unix dSources or vFiles. You can only target a Windows environment when provisioning from a Windows dSources and vFiles.

  9. If necessary, modify the Mount Path.

    • On Windows, this mount path must not be a UNC path. It must be a local drive letter and folder path. The UNC path will operate after the provisioning completes.

    • On Linux and Unix hosts, this mount path must be the full path and not include symlinks.

  10. Click Advanced.

  11. Enter Additional Mount Points. When it is mounted to the target environment, the vFiles will be mounted to any additional mount points you provide.
    Note: The Shared Path is a relative path dictating which portion of the vFiles should be available on the additional environments. To share the entirety of the vFiles, specify a Shared Path of /.

  12. Select an Environment User to own the mounted files. If the files are being mounted to multiple environments, ensure this user is available across all environments.

  13. Click Next.

  14. Enter a vFiles Name.

  15. Select a Target Group for the vFiles. If necessary, click the Plus icon to add a new group.

  16. Select a Snapshot Policy for the vFiles. if necessary create a new policy.

  17. Click Next.

  18. Enable Auto VDB Restart to allow the VDB to be automatically restarted when the target host reboot is detected by Delphix.

  19. Enter any operations that should be run as Hooks during the lifetime of the vFiles.

  20. Click Next.

  21. Click Submit.

When provision starts, the vFiles will appear in the Datasets panel. Select the vFile and navigate to the Status tab to see the progress of the job. When provisioning is complete, you can see more information on the Configuration tab.

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