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Troubleshooting Delphix connector

Troubleshooting removing the Delphix connector

If there are issues removing the original Delphix Connector please refer to these steps:

  • You can remove the DelphixConnector from Control Panel > Program and Features.

Troubleshooting Delphix connector install

If you experience the following issues when re-installing the Delphix Connector refer to, Reinstall/Upgrade the Delphix Connector.

  • Delphix Connector service might disappear from the service console.

  • Installation failing with unidentified service error.

  • The Delphix connector upgrade failed.

  • Manually deleted the Delphix Connector folder to try reinstalling.

Troubleshooting if the Delphix connector service fails to start

  • Check if the Delphix Connector service is available and running on the Staging Host. If it is not running, then start the service.

  • If the Delphix Connector service automatically shuts down or has restarting problems, kill the running java process started by Delphix connector and then retry starting the Delphix Connector Service.

  • Open a command prompt (cmd) as administrator.

  • From the prompt run: netstat -noba | findstr "9100 java". If the connector is still running, the output should be similar to this:

    C:\Users\username>netstat -noba | findstr "9100 java"
      TCP               LISTENING       1928
      TCP    [::]:9100              [::]:0                 LISTENING       1928

    The final number on each line is the Process ID (PID) of the Delphix Connector process.

  • If there is a java process bound to port 9100 as shown above, but the Delphix Connector still fails to start, you can kill the Java process using the taskkill command:

    C:\Users\username>taskkill /PID 1928 /F
    SUCCESS: The process with PID 1928 has been terminated.

    Alternatively, you can use Task Manager or Process Explorer to identify and end the correct process/PID and end it from there.

  • Start the Delphix Connector service.

If the service still fails to start after performing the above steps, please attempt to reinstall the Delphix Connector. If issues persist, contact Delphix Support for assistance.

Troubleshooting if installation of third party software results in Delphix connect service to fail to start

  • If third party software is installed on the Windows host running Delphix Connector and upon the reboot, Delphix Connector doesn’t startup, please uninstall the Software and revert the host back to the state it was in before the software deployment and then check if the Delphix Connector service starts

  • If it doesn't start check the steps in the section "The Delphix Connector service fails to start".

  • If the service still doesn't start please open a Support case with Delphix for further investigation.

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