Yugabyte virtualization process
This topic serves as a quick guide that guides you through the first implementation of the YugabyteDB connector, providing high-level steps. Each step briefly describes the task and the expected result. Refer to the documentation links for more detailed information.
Begin by reviewing the general Delphix Continuous Data architecture diagrams. Identify existing or new YugabyteDB source, staging, and target environments, the underlying Operating Systems, and YugabyteDB database versions. This will give you a good understanding of the architectural strategy and confirm support.
Review the YugabyteDB support matrices. Verify that the YugabyteDB connector complies with all system prerequisites, including those of the Delphix Continuous Data Engine, staging/target environments, Operating Systems, and YugabyteDB database versions. Verifying this information is essential to align with the features and functionalities of the connector.
Install the YugabyteDB connector. The YugabyteDB connector establishes the connection between the Delphix Continuous Data Engine and the connector version. It is recommended to stay up-to-date with the latest version.
Create staging and target environments. The staging environment will host a database that Delphix Continuous Data Engine will stay in sync with the source environment database at an interval chosen by you. The target environment will provide the infrastructure to generate virtual database copies.
Consult the source environment and staging/target environment requirements documentation for configuration details.
Discover staging and target environments. To enable the Delphix Continuous Data Engine to recognize the provided infrastructure, search for YugabyteDB installation, and then make it available for database linking and provisioning.
Linking the YugabyteDB database. This configures a dSource that enables the syncing mechanism between the source database, staging database, and Delphix Continuous Data Engine. Many ingestion methods differ between connectors and solve different requirements. It is best to identify the ingestion method that best suits your organization and infrastructure policies.
Provision virtual YugabyteDB databases. Administrators and self-service users can provision one or more copies of their virtual databases.