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Managing Oracle RAC virtual databases with only a subset of configured RAC nodes available


You can refresh, rewind, start, stop, disable or enable Oracle RAC virtual databases even when some of the RAC nodes are not available as a result of being shutdown temporarily.

If only some, but not all of the configured RAC nodes, are not available, ensure that these nodes are disabled in the Environments page of the Delphix Management application. This will enable the management operations on the virtual databases using only the nodes that are enabled and accessible.

If a node is enabled but cannot be accessed from the Delphix engine, the VDB management operations will fail with an error as 'Enabled nodes "<hostnames of nodes>" are unavailable for the RAC cluster database "your vdb". '

Before attempting VDB operations with a subset of RAC nodes available

If the nodes are already shutdown, disable them in the Environments page of the Delphix Management application and refresh the target environment, before attempting any operation on the virtual sources running on these nodes.

If the nodes are planned to be shutdown, follow the steps below before the nodes are shutdown and attempting any operation on the virtual sources running on these nodes:

  1. Stop the virtual database instance on these nodes from the Delphix Management application.

If a virtual CDB is running on such nodes and it contains more than one Virtual PDB, then after stopping all the vPDB instances on the nodes, stop the vCDB instance on these nodes using Delphix CLI.

  1. Disable the nodes from the Delphix Management application.

  2. Refresh the target RAC environment.

Before attempting VDB operations after nodes are made available again

When the RAC nodes are started back up and ready to run the virtual database instances again, before attempting any operation on the virtual databases, follow the steps below  :

  • Enable the nodes from the Delphix Management application.

  • Refresh the target RAC environment.

  • Start the virtual source.
    For a vPDB in a virtual CDB, start the virtual CDB (from the Delphix Management application) before starting the vPDB.

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