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New features (Windows connector)

Only the windows connector versions which include new features are listed below. Versions having internal improvements are not listed here.

28.0 CD Engine

There are no new Windows Connector features in this version of Continuous Data Engine.

27.0 CD Engine

There are no new Windows Connector features in this version of Continuous Data Engine.

26.0 CD Engine

There are no new Windows Connector features in this version of Continuous Data Engine.

Windows Connector Release (in 25.0 CD Engine)

The Delphix Windows connector now supports cipher exclusion for its connections through a new API/CLI endpoint; service > cipherconfig > connector accessible under system user login.

Windows Connector Release (in 22.0 CD Engine)

The Delphix SQL Server user base is rapidly expanding. As a result, our largest customers have encountered an increase in login entries to their Domain Controllers from Windows target hosts and from environment monitoring to targets and sources. This release implements enhancements in the Delphix code to optimize Active Directory logon requests to the Domain Controller.

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