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Prerequisites to deploying in Azure


This article outlines the prerequisites for deployment of the Delphix Engine on Azure. The setup user should have experience launching and configuring instances in the Microsoft Azure environment. Review and complete the tasks in the next section before deployment.


  1. Review Checklist of information required for installation and configuration.

  2. Determine which virtual private cloud (VPC) is being used when launching the Virtualization instance. To maximize performance, deploy the Delphix Engine instance in the same VPC/subnet where the virtual databases (VDBs) will be created.

Provisioning a VDB requires a compute instance running the same database engine as the source. Please note, however, that the target instance only needs storage to accommodate the OS, database platform binaries, etc., because Delphix delivers all of the data files.

3. Ensure that the necessary ports are open.

Using the Delphix Engine for Azure will require connections to source and target database servers. Such connections require various ports to be open, enabling communications. For a detailed list of the network and port requirements, click the link that corresponds with the relevant database platform:

  1. Network and Connectivity Requirements for Oracle Environments

  2. Network Access Requirements for SQL Server

4. Update Security Group settings to accommodate the necessary connections.

a. Select the same Network Security Group that the current (or future) non-production Azure virtual machines utilize.

b. Modify the Network Security Group to allow access to all of the networking ports used by the Delphix Engine and the various source and target engines. See links above for information about specific port configurations.

5. Allocate storage.

It is helpful to first create a list of the data sources intended for making dSources. A data source is typically a production database linked to the Virtualization Engine, enabling to create virtual, full, read-write copies of the source within minutes. The list should include the database name, platform (for example, Oracle or SQL Server), current size (in GB), the estimated number of virtual copies, and retention period (in days) of snapshots (backup copies).

  • Azure premium storage devices have different levels of guaranteed IOPs that vary from 120 to 20,000 IOPs. Refer to Microsoft’s documentation to ensure that the selected devices meet the requirements for your deployment. Ultra SSD disk storage is supported for performance-sensitive customers.

  • It is highly recommended to use Azure managed disks.

  • Use the guidelines outlined in Deployment for Microsoft Azure

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