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Requirements for MongoDB staging/target environments

The staging and target environments have the same set of requirements for MongoDB. 

Network and connectivity requirements

Before proceeding further, ensure that you meet the general requirements for Delphix Engine network connectivity

For MongoDB plugin specific network and connectivity requirements, refer to the sections below.


SSH connectivity to the target host

  1. Target environments are required to have sshd running and configured for the Delphix Continuous Data Engine to connect over SSH.

  2. The Delphix Continuous Data Engine platform expects to maintain long-running, highly performant SSH connections with the host environment.

  3. Once connected to a target environment through SSH, the Delphix Continuous Data Engine initiates a MongoDB client connection (mongosh) from the target environment to the source environment.

Creating NFS mounts on target host

Delphix Continuous Data Engine shares its storage space with the target host using NFS mounts. 


Port Number




Remote Procedure Call (RPC) port mapper used for NFSv3 mounts.



Network Status Monitor (NSM) client from target hosts to the Continuous Data Engine.



NFS client from target hosts to the Continuous Data Engine (NFSv3 and NFSv4).



Client mount daemon (NFSv3 only).



Lock state notification service (NFSv3 only).



Network Lock Manager (NLM) client from target hosts to Continuous Data Engine (NFSv3 only).


33434 - 33464

Traceroute from the target database server to the Continuous Data Engine (optional).

Connecting to MongoDB instances (source, staging database, VDBs)

Outgoing [From]

Incoming [To]


Port Number


Staging host

Source MongoDB instance



MongoDB source database instance port to connect to, for taking backup as well as setting up streaming replication. The default port for a MongoDB instance is 27017.

End-user hosts

Target MongoDB instance (staging database instance or VDBs).



Connecting to the created database instance on the target host.

Host environment requirements

Staging/target host requirements


Host compatibility check

  • The operating system and architecture of the target host must match the source environment. 

It is required that the source and the target environments should have identical operating system and hardware configurations.

MongoDB installation and compatibility check

  • There must be an installation of MongoDB on the staging/target host that is compatible with the installation of MongoDB on the source host.

The MongoDB binary version on the staging/target must be identical to the source side.

There must be a directory on the staging/target host where the MongoDB connector support files can be installed (i.e. /var/tmp) with the following properties:

  1. The directory must be writable by the operating system user mentioned above.

  2. The directory must have at least 1.5 GB of available storage.

This path is called the Toolkit Path on the Environment creation UI page.

During VDB provisioning, there must be a mount point directory (i.e. /mnt) that will be used as the base for mount points – created with the following properties:

  1. The mount point directory must be writable by the operating system user mentioned above.

  2. The mount point directory should be empty.


Hostname and IP address must be correctly set in the /etc/hosts file.

The output of hostname -i should produce the correct result as the IP address of the server:

[root@source ~]# hostname -i

Required utilities and tools

  • Ensure that either the netstat or ss utility is installed on the staging/target host.

MongoDB connector checks the status of the running MongoDB instance and validates if ports are available on the staging/target host using the netstat or ss utility.

Check if the netstat or ss utility is installed with:

  • which netstat

  • which ss

Storage requirement

  1. Staging host must have enough storage space to hold the source backup file.

  2. Empty folder on staging host to hold Delphix toolkit (approximately 2GB free space).

mongosh and mongod binaries must be in the same folder (if required, create softlink)

This would make sure the MongoDB binaries are available in the list of executable programs on a given host.

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