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(28.0.0) Untyped object properties

This topic describes the use of the type field in the Delphix Engine command-line interface object model, and the use of untyped objects.,

Most Delphix objects are typed, meaning they have a type field that controls what properties are available and their types. Object types and their associated hierarchy are described in more detail in the topic Object Type Hierarchy topic. In contrast, some properties are “untyped” objects, which means that there are no constraints on the property namespace, and all properties are plain strings. These objects are used for database configuration templates and other scenarios where the property namespace is unbounded or under the control of the user.

Untyped objects are always sent in their entirety when making updates. This means that when anyone value is changed and then committed, all values are sent. In addition, when reverting a single value within an untyped object, the entire parent object is reverted to its default state.

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